Thursday, May 30, 2013

Top 15 Best Fruits and Vegetables to Juice

Did you ever wonder what the best fruits and vegetables are for juicing? While it's a matter of personal opinion, these top 15 cannot be rivaled for your daily diet.  They also will be particularly good if you are juicing fasting or doing a juice cleanse.
While all fresh, raw and live produce is exceptional…there are some that stand out from the crowd. I've picked these as the best fruits and vegetables mainly because of thier health benefits and ease of juicing.
Here are my top 15 to incorporate into your juicing regimen but they are not in any special would that even be possible? :) Definitely give all of these best fruits and vegetables a try.
1. Apples
Antioxidant packed, these are one of the best fruits for juicing. They help to reduce cholesterol, cleanse digestive system and help to boost the immune system. They go well with almost any fruit or vegetable (softening any bitter or strong juice), making them my favorite base for juices. They are also chock full of nutrients that help aid in digesting fats.
2. Pineapples
Pineapples add a great tropical flavor to juices. They are anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial. They help to dissolved blood clots. They also contain a digestive enzyme called bromelain with is really important for the body to digest protein.
3. Papaya
Papaya is at the top of the list of the best fruits and vegetables when it comes to digestion. It contains papain, an enzyme that helps to breakdown protein. If you have digestion problems, try juicing some papaya juice daily, especially after meals. You don’t need a lot, but adding any type of mint to your papaya juice will strengthen the properties even more. Papayas also help to replenish vitamin C in the body, and protects against cancer.
4. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are popular and are at the top for best fruits and vegetables to juice. They are fantastic for your health. Tomatoes lower your risk of cancer (especially testicular cancer in men) and is good for the heart due to its high amount of lycopene. They blend very well with many vegetables and are pleasant tasting. When cooked, they become acidic, so if tomato sauce bothers you, don’t assume that juice would do the same. It’s completely different when it’s raw.
5. Berries
Packed with antioxidants, these do so much for your general health. They are antiviral and antibacterial. Berries are good for the blood. Blueberries and blackcurrants help diarrhea and urinary infections. Raspberries are good for menstrual cramps. Strawberries have lots of lycopene and help the cardiovascular system. While berries aren't the easiest to juice on the best fruits and vegetables list, they should become a staple in your juicing regimen.
6. Cabbage
Cabbage is fantastic for the stomach. If you had or have ulcer problems cabbage is a must for you to juice daily. It’s a cancer fighter and full of indoles that aid in estrogen balance and regulating metabolism. It’s a great detoxifier. While cabbage doesn’t taste so great alone, it’s flavor can easily be masked by other yummier produce.
7. Broccoli
Broccoli is part of the cruciferous family. Loaded with antioxidants, it also has a good amount of vitamin C. If you are concerned about lung, colon or breast cancer, have raw broccoli a few times a week. If you can’t eat it, juice it so you can’t taste it. Mix it with some tomato juice. It has chlorophyll, so it helps to regulate insulin and blood sugar.
8. Celery
Celery is great at cleansing the digestive system of uric acid. So if you have gout issues, definitely include celery in your diet daily. It’s great for lowering blood pressure because of it’s high potassium content. If you retain water daily and have lots of bloating, celery is your #1 go to veggie! It’s diuretic effect is powerful. If you are starting a detoxifying regimen, be sure to make celery as a regular base to your juices- its diuretic properties will help to remove the toxins from your body with ease. There is potassium in the tops so juice them too. It helps to balance out the sodium in the stalk.
9. Carrots
Carrots are surprisingly (and deliciously) sweet when juiced. Don’t be afraid of them at all. They have too many good nutrients packed inside to be missed. They have a high beta carotene content making them great for skin, brain, fighting cancer, protecting arteries, fighting infections and boosting the immune. Many doctors believe (as well as studies have shown) that they help to eliminate putrefactive bacteria in the colon and help to rid of intestinal parasites. They blend very well with many ingredients, including one of my favorites….apples. Apple carrot juice is a powerhouse and one of the best fruits and vegetables drink combos!
10. Sweet Potatoes
Yes, they can be juiced. They have an exceptional amount of vitamin, in the form of beta carotene. They are a good source of vitamin C, manganese, copper, fiber, B6, potassium and iron. Sweet potatoes are anti-inflammatory and really can help people with arthritis and other types of inflammation.
11. Cranberries
Cranberries prevent bacteria from forming in the bladder, prostate and kidneys. It also deodorizes urine. They contain mannose, which is what helps to keep the entire urinary track from getting and infection. They also can help prevent kidney stones. They are antiviral and antibiotic. Because they are so sour, they need to be combined with either water, or another fruit to be palatable. I like to add apple or grape juices to the mix.
12. Parsley
Parsley has a lot of chlorophyll and is excellent for the blood. It gives you a spark of energy and has anti-parasitic properties. It helps with the kidney and gallstones, cleanses the liver and supports the heart. Many people also say it helps their arthritis. And one last thing- it helps to deodorize the body as well as your garlic or onion breath! Add it to any juice, but more generously to your green juices as you’ll hardly taste it when its mixed with other greens.
13. Dandelion Greens
Besides for its general leafy green benefits including chlorophyll, dandelion is specifically good for cleaning out the kidney, liver, gallbladder, bowel and pancreas. It’s a mild diuretic, and helps people with anemia, diabetes and hypoglycemia. Because of these things, it does help many people with acne problems as it helps to clear elimination blockages in the body. That’s not all- it has a good amount of calcium, manganese, potassium and iron.
14. Wheatgrass
Wheatgrass is one of the finest greens out there. It restores health to the sick and brings up red blood counts for a healthy body. It’s high in indoles, which helps to prevent cancer. It stimulates DNA repair, neutralizes the worst free radicals (called superoxides) and protects from cancer. It contains over 20 enzymes, including the enzyme catalase which breaks down harmful hydrogen peroxide in the body and prevents it from harming cells. Wheatgrass is very nutrient dense, and includes provitamin A, chlorophyll, potassium, magnesium, among many, many others. According to several studies, the only nutrient it seems to lack is vitamin D and B12. People have used wheatgrass to reverse cancer and many other health issues with success. It is easy to grow or find in markets these days. Unfortunately not all juicers can juice wheatgrass with ease. Many can, but if you have a model that cannot you can buy a special wheatgrass juicer. If I had to put an order to the list on this page, wheatgrass would be number 1 on the list for the best fruits and vegetables to juice- soley for it's health benefits.
15. Citrus Fruits
Citrus are one of the most popular of the best fruits and vegetables to juice. They contain carotenoids, bioflavonoids and oodles of vitamin C which help to fight cancer. They lower blood pressure and help to reduce plaque from arteries. Citrus are antiviral, antibacterial and super yummy. They had a burst of flavor to almost any juice. You’ll want to make sure your citrus fruits are not picked until ripe as they can be acidic if picked too early.

Honorable mention for best fruits and vegetables to juice…
Okay, so, there are so many good fruits and veggies. Here are some that get special status, right below some of the best…
Spinach is full of many important vitamins and minerals. It does contain oxalic acid which can interfere with the absorption of calcium in the body, so since there are so many choices for things to juice, limit this to 2-3 times a week.
Kale, how awesome is kale? It has protein, minerals, calcium, very good...maybe I should have included this in the top 15!

Melons are super nutritious. Many are natural diuretics which make them powerful cleansers and detoxifiers. They have a high water content so they are great to re-hydrate your body, especially after a workout. Cantaloupes are high in beta carotene(the orange gives that away) and all of them are antiviral and antibacterial.

Peppers are rich in vitamin c and have lots of antioxidants. They help to keep arteries decongested and help conditions like asthma, bronchitis and the common cold. They also help the hair, nails and skin because they are high in natural silicones.

Get the most nutrition by using some of these key ingredients to get the benefits of juicing!

What You Can Learn About Your Health by Analyzing the Color and Smell of Your Urine

By Dr. Mercola
Urine can reveal important information about your body’s waste elimination process, providing clues about your overall health status.
Your kidneys serve to filter excess water and water-soluble wastes out of your blood, getting rid of toxins and things that would otherwise build up and cause you to become ill. Many things — from excess protein and sugar to bacteria and yeast — may make their way into your urine.
Instead of ignoring your urine and dashing back to whatever important activity having to pee interrupted, take this golden opportunity to become familiar with your “normal.”
If you notice changes in the way your urine looks or smells, the cause might be something as benign as what you had for dinner last night, such as beets or asparagus. Or, your astuteness may potentially alert you to a serious condition.
If you suspect you have a urinary tract problem, you should consult your physician. One of the first things he or she is likely to do is a urine test. Urine tests have been around for more than 6,000 years1 and are easy, noninvasive tools for quickly assessing your health status2.

Minding Your Pees and Cues

In your lifetime, your kidneys filter more than one million gallons of water, enough to fill a small lake. Amazingly, one kidney can handle the task perfectly well. In fact, if you lose a kidney, your remaining kidney can increase in size by 50 percent within two months, to take over the job of both.3
Urine is 95 percent water and five percent urea, uric acid, minerals, salts, enzymes, and various substances that would cause problems if allowed to accumulate in your body4. Normal urine is clear and has a straw yellow color, caused by a bile pigment called urobilin.
As with your stool, your urine changes color depending on what foods you eat, what medications and supplements you take, how much water you drink, how active you are, and the time of the day.
But some diseases can also change the color and other characteristics of your urine, so it’s important to be alert and informed. With so many variables, you can’t always be sure of what’s causing any particular urine characteristic, short of laboratory testing. However, urine’s character gives you some clues to potential problems that may be developing, giving you time to do something about it.
The following chart outlines some of the most common color variations for urine and their possible origins. The majority of the time, color changes result from foods, medications, supplements, or simply dehydration. But there are certain signs that warrant concern.
Color Possible Cause Necessary Action
Yellow/Gold The most typical urine color, indicative of a healthy urinary tract; yellow will intensify depending on hydration; some B vitamins cause bright yellow urine None
Red/Pink Hematuria (fresh blood in the urine) related to urinary tract infection (UTI), kidney stone, or rarely cancer; consumption of red foods such as beets, blueberries, red food dyes, rhubarb; iron supplements; Pepto-Bismol, Maalox, and a variety of other drugs5; classic “port wine” color may indicate porphyria (genetic disorder) ***Consult your physician immediately if you suspect you have blood in your urine
White/Colorless Excessive hydration is most likely. (See Cloudy) Consult your physician only if chronic
Orange Typically a sign of dehydration, showing up earlier than thirst; “holding your bladder” for too long; post-exercise; consuming orange foods (carrots, squash, or food dyes); the drug Pyridium (phenazopyridine); liver or pituitary problem (ADH, or antidiuretic hormone) Drink more water and don’t delay urination; consult physician if orange urine persists despite adequate hydration
Amber More concentrated than orange so severe dehydration related to intense exercise or heat; excess caffeine or salt; hematuria; decreased urine production (oliguria or anuria); metabolic problem; pituitary problem (ADH, or antidiuretic hormone) Consult your physician if problem persists despite adequate hydration
Brown Very dense urine concentration, extreme dehydration; consumption of fava beans; melanuria (too many particles in urine); UTI; kidney stone; kidney tumor or blood clot; Addison’s disease; glycosuria; renal artery stenosis; proteinuria; pituitary problem (ADH, or antidiuretic hormone) Consult your physician if problem persists despite adequate hydration, especially if accompanied by pale stools or yellow skin or eyes
Black RARE: Alkaptonuria, a genetic disorder of phenylalanine and tyrosine metabolism marked by accumulation of homogentisic acid in the blood; poisoning Consult your physician
Green RARE: Unusual UTIs and certain foods (such as asparagus); excessive vitamins Usually benign; consult your physician if it persists, especially if you have pain or burning (dysuria), and/or frequent urination (polyuria), which are symptoms of UTI
Blue RARE: Artificial colors in foods or drugs; bilirubin; medications such as methylene blue; unusual UTIs Usually benign; consult your physician if it persists, especially if you have pain or burning (dysuria), and/or frequent urination (polyuria), which are symptoms of UTI
Cloudy Urinary tract infection, kidney problem, metabolic problem, or chyluria (lymph fluid in the urine), phosphaturia (phosphate crystals), pituitary problem (ADH, or antidiuretic hormone) Consult physician, especially if you have pain or burning (dysuria), and/or frequent urination (polyuria), which are symptoms of UTI
Sediment Proteinuria (protein particles) or albuminuria; UTI; kidney stones; see Cloudy Consult your physician
Foamy Turbulent urine stream; proteinuria (most common causes are diabetes and hypertension) Consult physician if not due to “turbulence”

Does Your Urine Smell Like Roses?

If you’re woman from ancient Rome and your urine smells like roses, you’ve probably been drinking turpentine. This is a high price to pay to woo your suitor with pleasant-smelling pee, as turpentine may kill you! Short of drinking turpentine, there are many common substances that may alter the way your urine smells, which is why it’s helpful to know what’s normal. Urine reflects all of the inner workings of your body and contains a wide variety of compounds and metabolic by-products. Some dogs can actually “smell cancer” in human urine6.
Urine doesn’t typically have a strong smell, but if yours smells pungent (like ammonia), you could have an infection or urinary stones, or you may simply be dehydrated. Dehydration causes your urine to be more concentrated and may have a stronger smell than normal, as do high-protein foods like meat and eggs. Menopause, some sexually transmitted diseases, and certain metabolic disorders may also increase the ammonia smell7. Here are some of the more common reasons your urine’s odor may change:
  • Medications or supplements
  • Certain genetic conditions, such as Maple Syrup Urine Disease, which causes urine to smell sickeningly sweet8
  • Certain foods — most notably asparagus. Asparagus is notorious for causing a foul, eggy or “cabbagy” stench that results from a sulfur compound called methyl mercaptan (also found in garlic and skunk secretions). Only 50 percent of people can smell asparagus pee because they have the required gene. Cutting off the tips of asparagus will reportedly prevent the pungent-smelling pee...but of course, this is the tastiest part!
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Uncontrolled diabetes is known to cause your urine to have a sweet or fruity or, less commonly, a yeasty smell. In the past, doctors diagnosed diabetes by pouring urine into sand to see if it was sweet enough to attract bugs. Other physicians just dipped a finger in and took a taste. Fortunately, today’s physicians have access to far more elegant diagnostic tools.

When You Feel the Urge to Go, GO

Urinary frequency is also important. Peeing six to eight times per day is “average.” You might go more or less often than that, depending on how much water you drink and how active you are. Increased frequency can be caused by an overactive bladder (involuntary contractions), caffeine, a urinary tract infection (UTI), interstitial cystitis, benign prostate enlargement, diabetes, or one of a handful of neurological diseases.9
It is important to pee when you feel the urge. Delaying urination can cause bladder overdistension — like overstretching a Slinky such that it can’t bounce back. You may habitually postpone urination if you find bathroom breaks inconvenient at work, or if you have Paruresis (also known as Shy Bladder Syndrome, Bashful Bladder, Tinkle Terror, or Pee Anxiety), the fear of urinating in the presence of others. Seven percent of the public suffers from this condition.10

How Much Water Should You Drink?

I don’t subscribe to the commonly quoted rule of drinking six to eight glasses of water every day. Your body is capable of telling you what it needs and when it needs it. Once your body has lost one to two percent of its total water, your thirst mechanism kicks in to let you know it’s time to drink — so thirst should be your guide. Or course, if you are outside on a hot, dry day or exercising vigorously, you’ll require more water than usual — but even then, drinking when you feel thirsty will allow you to remain hydrated.
As you age, your thirst mechanism tends to work less efficiently. Therefore, older adults will want to be sure to drink water regularly, in sufficient quantity to maintain pale yellow urine. As long as you aren’t taking riboflavin (vitamin B2, found in most multivitamins), which turns urine bright “fluorescent” yellow, then your urine should be quite pale. If you have kidney or bladder stones or a urinary tract infection, increase your water intake accordingly.

You and Your Urinary System

You should now have a pretty good idea of how important it is to familiarize yourself with what’s normal for your pee. Urine is a window into the inner workings of your body and can function as an “early warning system” for detecting health problems.
The most important factor in the overall health of your urinary tract is drinking plenty of pure, fresh water every day. Inadequate hydration is the number one risk factor for kidney stones, as well as being important for preventing UTIs. To avoid overly frequent bathroom breaks, stay hydrated but not overhydrated. Drink whenever you're thirsty, but don't feel you have to drink eight glasses of water per day, every day. If you're getting up during the night to pee, stop drinking three to four hours before bedtime.
Limit your caffeine and alcohol intake, which can irritate the lining of your bladder. Make sure your diet has plenty of magnesium, and avoid sugar (including fructose and soda) and non-fermented soy products due to their oxalate content. Finally, don't hold it. As soon as you feel the urge to go, go! Delaying urination is detrimental to the health of your bladder due to overdistension.

What Does "Eating Clean" Really Mean?

The basics of nutrition that if you want to gain weight you eat more calories than during the course of the day than you actually use. If you want to lose fat you must use more calories than you eat. The complicated part of this is determining how the body responds to different types of calories.
There used to be a popular theory that a calorie is a calorie. Whether it comes from chicken or comes from chocolate chip cookies, your body sees both sets of calories the same. While this theory may look good on paper it is false.

My personal experience is if I consume 3000 calories of "clean" food versus 300 calories from "junk" food, all other things being equal (workout duration, aerobics and recuperation) my body respond many times better on the clean food.
Your body will always function better if your daily calories come from "clean" wholesome foods, prepared as close to their natural state as possible. Think about it. All that sugar and fat (unclean food) going down your throat is like pouring mud down your bathroom sink and expecting the drain to work right.

Eating "clean" means the following:

Fresh lean meat
Complex carbohydrates
Fresh Vegetables
Fresh Fruit
Nonfat dairy products
The low-fat portion of of eggs (whites)

Eating "clean" does not mean the following:

High fat foods
Deep fried anything
Regular salad dressings or mayonnaise
Any food that is high in fat, sugar or salt

Short Intense Workouts Are Better

Short & Stimulating Workouts
Do you perform long workouts? Pat yourself on the back for being able to stay in the gym for quite awhile? Training for long sessions is fine for cardio/aerobic training aimed at either endurance and/or fat burning, but not the wisest course for muscle building. That's because in the weight training realm you can actually train too long. That's right - by training for extended lengths of time you may be doing more harm than good.
What's wrong with going long in your training? Testosterone and energy output. Vince Gironda noted that there is a significant drop off of working testosterone at about the 45 minute mark in a workout. When your testosterone levels dive, its time to hang it up for the ay. Otherwise, to keep pushing at that point won't bring nearly as much muscle gains - in fact things might start going catabolic instead of anabolic.
Energy levels drop off as well when you extend your workout a long time. The exercises that are performed in the latter end of a long work out get the leftovers - the scraps of the workout. When energy and testosterone flow are both low, motivation also runs dry as well, and that mix makes for tough going.
It is far wiser to get in gym and put in a hard hitting workout, then get out. Aim at training for no longer than 45 minutes per session. Set up your training schedule so that you can get it wrapped up without going into the zone where testosterone diminishes. This may take a little time scheduling, and may require some split sessions, but if you are serious about building muscle, you want to get the very most out of each training session. That means short and super stimulating.
If you train hard and quick, you can get in a lot of weight lifting in 45 minutes. It helps as well to stay totally focused on the workout and the muscles you are training and avoid chatting too much. Stuffing your workout into a 45 minute time frame will help you prioritize your workout and put the main and most important things first and foremost.
There are always exceptions to the rule and an occasional longer session, particularly if you use it as a shock session, can work on a rare basis. However, for you main training approach, try to get out of the gym in 45 minutes or less consistently. Hit your muscles hard and then let them get their earned rest.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

5 Steps To Looking 10 Years Younger

By Steve & Becky Holman

Did you know that once you hit 40 years of age, whether you're a man or a women, your body starts aging FASTER than normal? Studies have shown that without the proper nutrients and exercise, your body will age about 6 months EXTRA for every year that passes. Think about that! If you are 40, that means by the time you hit 44 you will LOOK and FEEL 48. And by the time you reach 60, you will LOOK and FEEL 70 YEARS OLD! We see this every day... just look around you.
Did you know that 90% of people over the age of 35 lose enough muscle every year to burn off an additional 4 pounds of body fat? That means you not only lose the only thing on your body that creates shape, tone, and strength—you also gain more fat every year, even if your calories stay the same.
Did you know that all of this is reversible at any age? That there are specific ways to move, eat, and think that tell your brain to STOP this rapid aging process... and even SLOW IT DOWN to the point where you're aging less than a year for every year? That means you can look younger at 40 than you do at 35... or if you're like Becky and I, younger at 50+ than we did at 40!
This is not fantasy talk. This does not require a boatload of anti-aging drugs, supplements, or gimmicks. And, this works for anyone, male or female, and works at any age. 35, 45, 55, 65, 75... you name it. The biology is exactly the same.
My years as editor-in-chief at Iron Man Magazine have allowed me to peer into the secret routines of the anti-aging experts. Over the years, both Becky and I have picked up SO many tips, tricks, and strategies that have allowed us to literally reverse the aging process, at least from a cellular level. That means our body's look, feel, and MOVE younger than our chronological age.
We've taught this System to countless men and women over the years, and it always begins with these 5 key principles you must apply in order to STOP the rapid onset of aging that's going on right now, reverse it, and begin "aging backwards" by restoring your body's natural youth hormones.
That said, we have to warn you: What you are about to hear may go against all the conventional diet and exercise advice you've been hearing. That's because the world has, to be utterly frank, gone soft! "Core training", hot yoga, spin classes, tai chí all of these are just fine, but they won't slow your aging, and they certainly will never shape your muscles or burn off stubborn body fat. No way!

These 5 steps reveal the things you absolutely MUST AVOID if you want to slow the aging process, reclaim your health, and achieve your ideal body.

What you need is a splash of cold water, a touch of Old School, and the honest truth. Sound good? Let's dive in!

Step 1: Forget Low-Fat Diets

Low fat everything has been the craze now for decades and look around. What has that wonderful bit of advice done for the bodies you see? We're fatter, sicker, and more addicted to sugar and carbs than any other time in history. And, we're passing these habits to our kids.
Fats are not to be feared – they're to be embraced. They do not make you fat; rather, they help your body regenerate your power hormones. Testosterone, the 'strength' hormone, for example, is the direct result of cholesterol and dietary fat intake. That's right: "Cholesterol" isn't a dirty word! Your body needs dietary fat and cholesterol in order to produce ANY AND ALL vital hormones.
People on low fat diets look drawn, gaunt, and weak. They are often sick, sometimes to the point of literally breaking down. And, they can never just enjoy eating out. Every meal and every gram must be accounted for. Do you really think this will make you younger? Of course not... it will worry you to death if it doesn't kill you first!

Step 2: Stop Running in Circles

Gym classes can be fun, if you like sitting in one place and torturing yourself. But have you noticed how little people change their bodies in these classes? Sure, it's good "cardio", but cardiovascular conditioning can be gained with far less time and effort.
Treadmills, and any form of endurance training (especially running) does very little to help the age reversal process. Many times, these long-duration exercise bouts accelerate the aging process by increasing free radicals. These free radicals are scavengers that prey on your body's essential nutrients and tissues.
There's a smart way to exercise... we'll cover that in a minute. And, what's wonderful is that it takes you about ¼ the time of traditional workouts. We'll cover more details on the next page. =========

Step 3: Stop Blaming Everything On How Old You Are

The guys to the left are not fat because they are old—they're fat because they eat, think, and move like a fat, old, dying person! Becky and I are both in our 50s—older than the guys in this photo—and I still sport a nice six-pack, and Becky transformed her body from the typical "middle age mom" to a slim, toned, and super-sexy woman who looks 10 years younger. (See the next page for photos!)
Listen: Your body doesn't own a clock. Studies have shown that men and women in their 90s were able to gain muscle tone in just a matter of weeks of simple weight training. I've personally seen men and women transform their physiques at literally all ages—25 to 95!
If you're around those naysayers who are constantly talking about growing old, all their aches and pains, and how life is just down hill after 40—LEAVE! Surround yourself with positive thinkers who absolutely crave a challenge. A challenge is what keeps you YOUNG, and the best challenge there is happens to be taking control of your health and body.
We'll show you HOW we do that on the next page.

Step 4: Avoid Chronic Dehydration

Water isn't just "good for you" — water burns fat. Water suppresses hunger. Water renews your skin. Just drinking 12 ounces of pure water every day can take a few years off your face in a matter of weeks. You'll also drop fat, have more energy, and save your kidneys and liver from chronic overwork.
When your kidneys are taxed from too little water, your liver has to take over. Now, get this: Your liver is your number one fat-burning organ. Do you REALLY want it processing liquids and toxins rather than BURNING FAT? No way, right? Well, grab a glass of water, and watch the mirror. Within a few weeks, the change to your face and body will be noticeable.

Step 5: Work Out LESS (Yes, Less)

If you don't work out at all, you're going to lose muscle tissue every year. That means you'll get fatter and flabbier each and every year with less shape and more sag. Is this what you desire? No way, right?
Well, the answer is old school resistance training. Here's the secret: hardly anyone is doing it right!
Becky and I have seen literally thousand of pro fitness athletes train over the years. The ones who looked the best — and that means looked the youngest, most toned, and had the least amount of unwanted fat — were the ones who left the gym while others were still warming up!
Over the past decade, Becky and I have developed a men and women's workout system that we call F4X Training System. This is a revolutionary way of combining four specific exercises done in literally a matter of minutes. That's ALL YOU NEED... And don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
That's right: We do not do endless cardio sessions (the F4X Training System is a great cardiovascular workout) and we do not spend an hour a day in the gym. We have a life, thank you. We have kids, and we value being both fit and real people at the same time. The F4X Training System was our personal breakthrough to achieving our ideal bodies, staying in tip-top shape with minimal time, and having a life outside a gym.

Bee Pollen – A Superfood that Fights Aging!

Bee pollen is one of my big anti-aging secrets.  I try to include it in my diet every single day by adding it to my morning juice.  I am so convinced of its magical powers that I don’t even add to my blender when I make a smoothie because so much of it gets left behind in the machine! I add it to my glass and once I’ve drunk the smoothie, I fill the glass with water to capture any left-over residue. Yes ladies, that’s how I obsessed I am with this powerful gold dust…
As an alkaline food, bee pollen benefits and balances the PH of your body.  Bee pollen nutritional profile is one of the most complete in the world.  Use it as an alternative to a multivitamin. Here’s a list of all the bee pollen vitamins and other nutrients:
·         25% to 40% vegetarian complete protein (in pre-digested, free amino acid form)
·         A variety of fatty acids (70% is the omega 3 ALA, 3-4% is the Omega 6 LA and 16-17% is monounsaturated and saturated fat)
·         Simple carbohydrates (many of the same sugars that are found in honey.)
·         All the ‘Bee’ vitamins (including biotin, folic acid, choline and inositol but not a usable form of B12)
·         Vitamin C
·         Vitamin D (which is rare for plant foods to contain)
·         Vitamin E – free radical scavenger
·         Vitamin K
·         Up to 60 major and minor minerals (including some rare elements like gold in amounts as high as 0.9 parts per million depending on the type of flower pollen used.)
·         Nucleic acids such as RNA and DNA (a component found in the diets of many centenarians.)
·         Steroidal and hormonal substances (natural plant sources of these are safe and beneficial)
·         15% lecithin (which lowers cholesterol as well being food the brain and also keeps cell membranes intact.)
·         High on the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity) scale due to a wide array of antioxidants (it is scored at 164, while blueberries for example scored 61)
·         Rutin (a key antioxidant for strengthening the walls of the vascular system, also helps stabilize vitamin C)
·         Carotenoids such as xanthophyll and alpha/beta carotenes (the more antioxidant carotenoids a mammal gets, the longer it can live.)
·         Bee pollen has at least 11 major enzymes (which are necessary for digestion)! Bee pollen benefits and complements a live food diet since the extra enzymes have an anti-aging effect on the cells of the body.
·         Over 5000 minor enzymes and coenzymes (this is the most enzyme rich product on Earth!)
·         1-3% of pollen is made up of unidentified “mysterious” compounds… Quite likely Ormus minerals (Ormus minerals  – plants or foods like almonds, aloe vera, apricot kernels, garlic, sheep sorrel, royal jelly and white pine bark are said to be rich in Ormus minerals which are touted as the life-giving elements found in all living being. Ormus minerals can help in decelerating the aging cycle and curbing its onset. For example, graying hair, wrinkled skin, and other common signs of aging can be slowed down) which is what makes this food so incredibly valuable and magical!
Bee pollen’s nutritional content can vary according to the quality of the finished product (how it was packaged etc.), as well as the species of flowers that the bees collected the pollen from. Individual bee pollen granules can vary in color and slightly in size depending again on the sources of the pollen the bee happens to be collecting from.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

6 Foods Worth Splurging On

While feeding a growing physique can be expensive, it sometimes pays to dig deeper. These six items are definitely worth splurging on!


Most bodybuilders rely on beef for a big chunk of their protein needs, but most of the shrink-wrapped steaks in the supermarket come from cattle living in miserable feedlots where they’re pumped full of antibiotics and hormones. Organic beef assures the animals stuffed themselves on feed that was grown organically and were not shot full of drugs. Both circumstances likely produce safer, healthier meat.


Recent stricter imposed rules from the USDA dictate moo juice carrying the organic seal must come from cows that spend at least four months of the year outdoors feasting on grass. That’s important because studies show pasture-fed cows produce milk that’s richer in nutrients, including fat-burning omega-3s.

Tomato Sauce

The next time you’re making meat sauce for your pasta, be sure to use a jar of the red stuff labeled “organic.” A 2012 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry discovered tomatoes grown under conventional farming methods had lower levels of disease-thwarting antioxidants than those produced organically. Why? Organic farming shuns chemical pesticides and fertilizers, forcing the tomatoes to increase their own defenses against pests, which are often antioxidants.


Bodybuilders should load their grocery carts with plenty of vegetables that are laced with muscle-mending antioxidants and fat-busting fiber, but consider splurging for organic celery, bell peppers, spinach and lettuce. According to the Environmental Working Group, these veggies were found to possess the highest levels of pesticide residues that may sour your health.


Like vegetables, certain fruits have been found to be dirtier than others. These include apples, peaches, strawberries, grapes and blueberries. Conventional apples are particularly chemical ridden because they are highly susceptible to insects and are often sprayed heavily for cosmetic purposes to produce blemish-free fruit that’s acceptable to grocery stores.


In North America soy is one of the most genetically modified crops. Genetic modification entails adjusting the genes of a plant to achieve a desirable trait such as resistance to pests or drought. Food companies are not required to state on labels if their products contain genetically modified foods. If you are concerned about the still-understudied health impacts of this science, make sure to select organic soy products such as edamame, tofu and soy protein powder that are free of genetic modification.

Lose Those Extra Pounds Through A Vegan Diet

Several weeks after the holidays have gone by and as expected, most of us are struggling with weight gain.  True enough, eating a lot is always part of the agenda when Christmas and New Year strikes.  This makes even the best exercise to lose belly fat a not-so-effective routine.
But since we cannot take back all of the extra servings that we devoured when we attended parties and reunions, the best thing to do now is to go on a diet.  If you are wondering about diet programs, here’s one idea that might pique your interest:  a vegan diet

The Vegan Diet

You can lose weight through a vegan diet if you go about it the right way.  Because you will be kept from eating meat, that is already a great advantage in your favor.
Just imagine the loads of fatty components that you will keep away from if you follow a vegan diet.  Pork and beef are especially laden with fats. On the other hand, since you will be loading up on fruits and veggies, you will likely be full for a longer period.
You will also be less likely to succumb to binge eating.  Also, since fruits and veggies have a lot of fiber and other essential nutrients in them, a vegan diet would equal to a fitter and healthier you.
Of course, a vegan diet may also have certain drawbacks. For example, if your mindset is keen on consuming food items that have no protein but have a lot of carbohydrates in them, then your chances of losing weight just might go down the drain.
For example, even if you do away with beef and pork, but you still eat a lot of pasta and pastries, then your efforts at weight loss will not produce significant results at all.  The trick here is to go about your vegan diet the right way.
Forget about meat but choose alternative protein sources such as tofu and beans.  Eat whole wheat bread instead of pastries.  Go easy on the rice and the pasta.  And you might also want to consider trying green coffee bean extract.

Other Recommendations

If you are seeking other options for weight loss and health, you can also try attending yoga classes.  Yoga is all about doing various breathing exercises, poses and positions.
As you practice yoga, you will have improved muscle tone, strength and balance.  You will also be able to reduce stress significantly.  Aside from these, yoga can also help ease anxiety, depression, heart disease and even weight-related dilemmas.
While you’re at it, you might as well consider using a supplement that can help beef up the effects of your yoga sessions.  An ideal supplement comes in the form of green coffee bean.
Green coffee bean is simply unroasted coffee beans.  It aids in increasing energy levels, enabling you to finally work on those routines that are considered as the best exercise to lose belly fat.
It also helps in fat oxidation, regulating glucose levels and even blood pressure.  And the best thing about green coffee bean extract is that it is pure, unadulterated and very, very natural.
So if you want to lose weight and manage your health and wellness levels more, you have the option to squirm at the layers of fat in your belly OR you can try a vegan diet, do yoga and try supplementing with green coffee bean.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Benefits of Broccoli (and Other Cruciferous Vegetables)

Eat your greens: The leafy side dish contains a potent antioxidant and unbeatable anti-inflammatory qualities

Popeye, you’re busted! FLEX Magazine readers now know how you got those bulging forearms: sulforaphane, an anti-cancer compound found not in spinach, but in cruciferous vegetables, including—and especially—broccoli, which appears to have general but potent antioxidant and possibly anti-inflammatory qualities. Previous studies have shown that broccoli extract’s powerful anti-inflammatory action reduced muscle damage. Now, in a study examining cell cultures, researchers have found that sulforaphane reduces myostatin levels in muscle cell dishes, where satellite cells function as skeletal muscle stem cells to support muscle growth and regeneration following injury.
Interestingly, the study noted a significant reduction in MyoD mRNA levels at 10uM concentration in these satellite cells. Translated into real-world bodybuilding terms, you’d have to eat a ton of broccoli every day to achieve these blood levels naturally. However, taking a sulforaphane supplement may be a realistic way to achieve these levels.

3 Easy Ways To Detox Daily

Anyone who has ever owned an aquarium knows what happen when the water isn’t continuously filtered and changed regularly. Toxins build up in the water which eventually cause your fish become sick and die. When I think about our Standard American Diet dominated by processed foods full of additives, preservatives, and refined ingredients in connection with the explosion of disease in our country; I can’t help but see parallels with the toxic fish tank example.
In the case of a poorly maintained aquarium the fish don’t immediately become ill. First we see toxins gradually build up.  Then, if nothing is done to remove them, the environment reaches a point of toxic overload that eventually overwhelm the helpless fishes.
The good news for us is that our bodies are equipped with an amazing detoxification system. Our liver, kidneys, skin, and other organs work like a super aquarium filter; removing harmful toxins form our bodies constantly. The only problem is that our modern lifestyles often cause us to accumulate more toxins than we can regularly remove. Therefore, like the fishes, we can experience toxin overload.
Fortunately, unlike a fish confined to an aquarium, we are not helpless. We can take steps to help our bodies remove the toxins that jeopardize our health.  Here are three things that you can do daily that will help you avoid “Toxin Overload”.
Avoid Toxins
The simplest thing we can do is to reduce the toxins enter into our bodies in the first place. Obvious example are not smoking, not over consuming alcohol, and restricting drugs to those necessarily prescribed by a physician.  In addition, paying close attention to food labels in order to limit your consumption of food additives, can be very beneficial.  Limiting refined sugars, flours, and conventional processed dairy are also good moves.
Stay Hydrated
Another way to help your body detox and stay healthy is to ensure that you are well hydrated all day. This means not waiting until you sense thirst in order drinking water. In fact, by the time many of us recognize that we are thirsty we may already be experiencing mild dehydration.  Here is one easy way to measure your own level of hydration (Hydration Chart)
Eat Foods That Help You Detox
One more easy but often overlooked way to help your body detox is by eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh fruits and vegetable can help your body remove toxins in three basic ways
  1. They have a high water content which helps with the hydration
  2. They are loaded with fiber which aides in detoxification
  3. They contain powerful micronutrients that helps your body remove metabolic waste

Friday, May 24, 2013

Sprain vs. Strain

Sprain vs. Strain in the Bodybuilder

If you pull something when lifting, it may well be a sprain or strain. Here are their common causes, how they differ and how to treat one.
By Guillermo Escalante, DSc, MBA, ATC, CSCS
Let’s say you’re lifting a fairly challenging weight, and to get past your sticking point you put a little extra oomph into it. Uh-oh, that didn’t feel good, and now you can’t continue your workout. Maybe it’s a sprain, or is it a strain? What’s the difference, anyway?
Although these terms are often used interchangeably, they have very different meanings. By definition, a sprain can range from a partial tear to a complete tear of one or more ligaments. Conversely, a strain is defined as a partial or complete tear of a tendon and/or muscle. Ligaments are stiff and rigid compared to tendons and muscles because they connect one bone to another to help provide joint stability. Muscles and tendons, on the other hand, are softer and more flexible, and tendons specifically attach a muscle to a bone.
Sprains, then, always occur at the joints. Commonly sprained joints include the ankle, knee, shoulder and wrist. While ankle sprains are typical in most sports, shoulder sprains are more common among bodybuilders. Weightlifters often injure the acromioclavicular joint in the shoulder girdle because of the large demands placed on this joint from heavy pressing movements. Knees may become sprained during squats, especially if you don’t maintain proper lower-extremity alignment. Bouncing out of the bottom of a squat or twisting at the knees can put undue stress on the ligaments and lead to a sprain. And as you’ve probably experienced at some point, a sprain causes a loss of stability.

In contrast, strains always occur at the muscle belly or the tendon. Commonly strained bodyparts among lifters include the hamstrings, pectoralis major, patellar tendon, Achilles tendon, rotator cuff and biceps long head tendon.
Both types of injury are often classified as a first-, second- or third-degree sprain or strain. “Rating Your Sprain or Strain” (see below) discusses the differences.
First- and second-degree sprains or strains usually cause a definitive loss of range of motion and pain to the injured site; conversely, third-degree sprains or strains generally cause less pain and a greater loss of range of motion. Bodybuilders who abuse anabolic substances often find that while their muscles can handle the extra weight they lift, their tendons cannot. It’s essential to build a progressive tolerance to increased loads if you want to avoid a tendon rupture.
Although the injuries themselves are quite different, the treatment of a sprain or strain is very similar. Rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE) are often the first line of defense to help heal the injury. Once the acute inflammatory response has leveled off — usually after 2–7 days — a course of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be indicated. Aggressive treatment of sprains or strains typically consists of physical therapy with an emphasis on restoring full range of motion and strength. Flexibility exercises that target the injured area may help expedite the healing process.

Rating Your Sprain or Strain

First Degree

Defined as a partial tear of some fibers (muscle and tendon fibers for strains, ligament fibers for sprains). About one-third of the fibers remain intact.

Second Degree

Defined as a larger partial tear of the fibers (muscle and tendon fibers for strains, ligament fibers for sprains). More than one-third to nearly all of the fibers are torn.

Third Degree

Defined as a full-thickness tear of the fibers (muscle and tendon fibers for strains, ligament fibers for sprains). No fibers remain connected and this injury usually requires surgical intervention.

Foam Rollers for Neck Pain

Foam Rollers Can Stretch Away Facet Joint Pain

By: Steve Messineo
The Facet joints are located at the back on either side of the spinal column, between the discs and the vertebral bodies. Each vertebra has bony prominences on each side that form a facet joint with the vertebra above and below. The role of the facet joints is to limit excessive movement and provide stability for the spine.
Facet joints are a potential source of pain which can affect the neck, middle back or lower back. Poor posture is commonly implicated in the development of facet joint pain. Prolonged sitting and bending postures places an increased load on the facet joints which then become inflamed and painful. The muscles surrounding the spine also become affected. When considering how poor posture can affect the neck and thoracic spine (middle back), we can see that the thoracic spine becomes round and the shoulders hunch and the head pokes forwards. This leads to tightness of the muscles at the front of the chest and overload of the muscles around the shoulder blades and neck. The paraspinal muscles (long muscles which run the length of either side of the spine) in particular become knotted and tender (1).
How can foam rollers help with cervical and facet joint injuries?
A foam roller is a firm solid cylinder that is about six inches in diameter and three feet long. A roller can be used to isolate specific injured areas of the body and treat restrictions in the soft tissue(2) as well as perform balance training exercises, core activation exercises and stretching.
Stretching exercises on the foam roller for neck and thoracic facet joint pain.
This exercise is great for extending the middle back and neck and opening out across the front of the chest.
Lie on your back with the roller placed vertically along the length of the spine, feet on the floor and knees bent. Try to keep the spine in contact with the roller and open the arms out to the side. Feel the stretch across the front of the chest, lengthen the neck by tucking the chin inwards.
Muscle release techniques for the middle back using the foam roller:
This exercise is to release tension in the muscles either side of the spine, it may feel a little uncomfortable initially but this does ease the more you do it.
Lie on your back with the roller placed horizontally between you and the floor. Your feet should be on the floor with your knees bent. Use the legs to push the body up and down the roller (like a rolling pin) to release tension within the muscles either side of the spine.
By improving your posture, the alignment of your spine is more efficient and the loads placed on the facet joints are reduced.
One of the major benefits of using a foam roller is that it is a relatively inexpensive way to treat injury on your own. It can be used to maintain joint alignment and muscle flexibility in between physical therapy treatment sessions or for prevention of recurrence of symptoms.
Referred pain distribution of the cervical zygapophyseal joints and cervical dorsal rami. Fukui S, Ohseto K, Shiotani M, et al. 1996, Pain, Vol. 68 (1), pp. 79-83.
A comparison of the pressure exerted on soft tissue by 2 myofascial rollers. Curran, PF, Fiore, RD and Crisco, JJ. 2008, Journal of sports rehabilitation, Vol. 17, pp. 432-442.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Fat Burning Food List

Weight loss requires hard work and dedication to healthier lifestyle habits, which is a given. However, there are some secret weapons, when it comes to shedding unwanted fat. These come in the form of fat burning foods. Below you will find additional information on such surprising fat burning foods, which will be helpful in your journey to lose weight.

1. Milk and low fat dairy:

Most people do not think of milk as a weight loss food. However, this substance offers three powerful benefits, which prompt the loss of excess fat. Researchers at the University of Tennessee conducted a study, where participants were placed on calcium monitored diets. The results determined that those dieters who received 1200 to 1300 mg of calcium each day, experienced greater weight loss. In fact, those with high calcium intake lost twice as much weight as those who had less calcium in their diet.

 Milk is endowed with a barrage of complex carbohydrates. These lower insulin levels. Normal insulin levels increase metabolism and lead to the burning of excess fat. Abnormally high levels of insulin cause the body to store fat. Make certain to consume skim milk in moderation. Whole milk is loaded with fat.

2. Oatmeal:

Oatmeal has been deemed as one of the most healthy food choices. This food is rich in fiber. It digests slowly. As a result, it helps keep insulin levels low.

3. Eggs:

Eggs have a double benefit when it comes to burning fat. First, they are chalked full of protein. Protein supports the development of lean muscles and promotes burning fat. Eggs also contain vitamin B-12. B-12 is known for its ability to breakdown fat cells.

4. Olive oil:

When you hear the word \”oil\”, you most likely think of fat. It is true that olive oil is a type of fat. However, it is a good fat. This means your body needs it to be healthy. Olive oil contains a special type of fat known as monounsaturated. This is health productive fat, which aids in the burning fat and lowers bad cholesterol.

5. Beans:

This food can be your best friend or worst enemy when it comes to weight loss and the burning of excess body fat. Beans hold a multitude of positive weight management and health benefits. They are rich in high protein, iron, and fiber. Each of these contribute to healthful fat loss. However, one must be careful of the types of beans they select and cooking methods. Kidney beans, navy beans, white beans, and lima beans are some of the most healthful types, for fat burning. Just make certain to eat these beans in a natural state. Do not consume those which have been cooked with fat, such as refried beans. Adding fat filled ingredients can counter act the burning affect and actually lead to fat increase.

6. Lean meat:

Most people think of meat as diet sabotage. This is not true of all meat sources. Lean meats may actually aid your weight loss endeavors. Salmon and tuna are excellent choices. They are filled with protein. They also contain Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are healthy fats. As an added perk, they boost the body’s immune system.

7. Hot peppers:

Hot peppers hold a special chemical, which safely and naturally speeds up a person’s heart rate. The process mimics that of exercise. This results in the burning of calories. Including these spicy delights in the daily diet, can lead to the burning of up to 1000 extra calories.

8. Berries:

Berries are rich in fiber. As a result, they help to produce the feeling of fullness. This makes adhering to a low calorie, low fat diet much easier. It is difficult to follow a strict diet when feeling hungry. They also help to break down the fat, which is consumed in different foods.
The above selections are only a few of the many fat burning foods, which mother nature provides us. If you are aspiring to lose weight, take the time to research fat burning foods. You may be surprised by how many choices there are. By consuming such foods, while following a regular exercise routine, you will achieve amazing results.

Learn more here on how to lose weight effectively.

Author Bio: Cindin is a health enthusiast who is determined to assist those in need of losing those extra pounds and endure a healthier lifestyle. Go to to learn more.

Tips for Exercising Safely in the Summer

Warm Up Without Burning Out

The summer is a great season for getting in shape. Whether by working out, running, or playing a sport, summer is the time for activity.
Dr. Holly Andersen, director of education and outreach at the Ronald O. Perelman Heart Institute at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, says, "Exercise is the fountain of youth and summer is the perfect time to re-connect with your body."
However, exercising during the warmest season of the year can lead to dehydration, profuse sweating, exhaustion, and even a cardiac event.
Dr. Andersen offers the following nine tips to those looking to resume or begin a workout routine this summer:
  • Talk to your doctor. Regular exercise can help you control your weight, reduce your risk of heart disease, and strengthen your bones and muscles. But before you put on your workout shoes, you may want to talk to your doctor to ensure that you are healthy enough to start your workout regimine and to identify any health precautuions that should be taken.
  • Take it slow. Start your exercise regimen slowly and pace yourself throughout the workout, including plenty of time for breaks and to drink fluids.
  • Remember to stretch. Even in the summertime, our bodies need to warm up. As you are exercising, take time to work on stretching, breathing and posture -- improving these will greatly enhance your health.
  • Take your workout indoors. When it is too hot or humid outside, exercise in a cool, air-conditioned space. Extreme temperatures can alter your circulation, increasing the work of your heart and making breathing more difficult.
  • Try to maintain an even body temperature. After your workout you should not take an extremely hot or cold shower, or a sauna, as these can increase the workload on your heart.
  • Be an early bird. If you truly enjoy exercising outdoors, take advantage of the coolest times of day -- the early morning and evening hours.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Throughout your workout routine it is important to drink plenty of water, even before you feel thirsty. Once you are thirsty you are already dehyrated. While symptoms of dehydration usually begin with thirst, they can progress to more alarming manifestations as the need for water becomes more dire such as fatique or weakness, cramps, loss of appetite, dry skin, skin flushing, dry mouth, etc. If you are prone to lightheadedness (from low blood pressure), are an endurance athlete, or over age 75, you should replenish your "electrolytes" as well -- having a little salt can be important for you.
  • Wear sunscreen. If you have a sunburn, it will decrease your body’s ability to cool itself off. Always remember to apply sunscreen to your entire body every morning and reapply every couple of hours - more if you are sweating.
  • Have fun. Taking time to exercise is taking time for you. Enjoy exercsing -- smile, breathe deeply, clear your mind and enjoy!.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Best Exercises for Fighting Lower Back Pain

When suffering from lower back pain, exercise is usually the last thing you think about doing because of the lower back pain you are feeling. However, if you know the right exercises to do you can actually help ease lower back pain.

How Exercise Helps Lower Back Pain

Moving is good for your back. Exercises for lower back pain can strengthen back, stomach, and leg muscles. These muscles help support your spine, relieving back pain.

Hamstring Stretches

  • Lie on your back and bend one knee. Loop a towel under the ball of your foot. Straighten your knee and slowly pull back on the towel. You should feel a gentle stretch down the back of your leg. Hold for at least 15 to 30 seconds. Do 2 to 4 times for each leg.


  • Lie with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Cross arms over your chest or put hands behind your neck. Tighten stomach muscles and raise your shoulders off the floor. Breathe out as you raise your shoulders. Don't lead with your elbows or use arms to pull your neck off the floor. Hold for a second and then slowly lower back down. Repeat 8 to 12 times.

Press-up Back Extensions

  • Lie on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders. Push with your hands so your shoulders begin to lift off the floor. If it's comfortable, put your elbows on the floor directly under your shoulders and hold this position for several seconds.

Wall Sits

  • Stand 10 to 12 inches from the wall and lean back until your back is flat against the wall. Slowly slide down until your knees are slightly bent, pressing your lower back into the wall. Hold for a count of 10 and then carefully slide back up the wall. Repeat 8 to 12 times.

Bird Dog

  • Start on your hands and knees, and tighten your stomach muscles. Lift and extend one leg behind you. Keep hips level. Hold for at least 5 seconds, and then switch to the other leg. Repeat 8 to 12 times for each leg. For an added benefit, try lifting and extending your opposite arm on each repetition.

Pelvic Tilts

  • Lie on your back with knees bent, feet flat on floor. Tighten your stomach by pulling in and imagining your belly button moving toward your spine. You’ll feel your back pressing into the floor, and your hips and pelvis rocking back. Hold for 10 seconds while breathing in and out smoothly. Repeat 8 to 12 times.


  • Lie on your back with knees bent and just your heels on the floor. Push your heels into the floor, squeeze your buttocks, and lift your hips off the floor until shoulders, hips, and knees are in a straight line. Hold about 6 seconds, and then slowly lower hips to the floor and rest for 10 seconds. Repeat 8 to 12 times.

Knee to Chest

  • Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Bring one knee to your chest, keeping the other foot flat on the floor. Keep your lower back pressed to the floor, and hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Then lower your knee and repeat with the other leg. Do this 2 to 4 times for each leg.


  • Pilates combines stretching, strengthening, and core abdominal exercises. Under the instruction of an experienced teacher, it may help some people with lower  back pain. Be sure to tell your teacher about your lower back pain, because you may need to skip some moves.

Lift Weights

  • Done properly, lifting weights doesn't usually hurt your lower back. In fact, it may help relieve chronic lower back pain. But when you have acute (sudden) back pain, putting extra stress on back muscles and ligaments could raise risk of further injury. Ask your doctor whether you should lift weights, and which exercises to avoid.

Aerobic Exercise

  • Aerobic exercise strengthens your lungs, heart, and blood vessels and can help you lose weight. Walking, swimming, and biking may all help reduce lower back pain. Start with short sessions and build up over time. If your lower back is hurting, try swimming, where the water supports your body. Avoid any strokes that twist your body.

Exercises to Avoid for Fighting Lower Back Pain

Exercise is good for low back pain — but not all exercises are beneficial. Some exercises may aggravate the lower back pain.

Toe Touches

  • Standing toe touches, for example, put greater stress on the disks and ligaments in your spine. They can also overstretch lower back muscles and hamstrings.


  • Although you might think sit-ups can strengthen your core or abdominal muscles, most people tend to use muscles in the hips when doing sit-ups. Sit-ups may also put a lot of pressure on the discs in your spine.

Leg Lifts

  • Leg lifts are sometimes suggested as an exercise to "strengthen your core" or abdominal muscles. But lifting both legs together while lying on your back can make back pain worse. Instead, try lying on your back with your right leg straight and left leg bent at the knee. 

Bottom Line on Fighting Lower Back Pain with Exercising

Even though exercise has its many benefits in fighting lower back pain, you still need to always ask your doctor before doing any exercise for back pain. Find out how to further develop treatments, stretches, and therapies for lower back pains by earning a healthcare management degree online. Depending on the cause and intensity of your lower back pain, some exercises may not be recommended and can be harmful.