Prospective study of 8,000 Swedish men between the ages of 45 – 73 without a history of cancer were followed for 15 years.
Prostate cancer was diagnosed in 817 men.
No significant associations were seen for total carbohydrates,
dietary fiber, whole grains, vegetables, fruit and berries, high-fiber
bread, and fruit juices.
A high intake of cake, biscuits, rice and pasta was associated with increased risk of low-risk prostate cancer
Significantly increased risk of symptomatic prostate cancer
(aggressive prostate cancer) was seen for a high intake of
sugar-sweetened beverages. (Drake et al. 2012)
Eating like the flour-mill never existed is the best way to go if you are interested in preventing most disease’s including prostate cancer (CaP.) Men with CaP can significantly slow the progression of their disease by significantly reducing the consumptions of sugar (or carbs – pretty much the same thing). My patients are typically on a very low simple carbohydrate-eating plan. Even fruit juices are frowned upon – exception include pomegranate juice, only 4 ounces at a time to reduce the sugar load. All white foods are out – exceptions include cauliflower and daikon (root vegetable).
For additional anti-CaP dietary tips scroll down on the CaP section of this site:
by Geo Espinosa, N.D., L.Ac, CNS
Espinosa, N.D., L.Ac, CNS, is the Director of the Integrative Urology
Center at New York University Langone Medical Center. Before joining
NYU, Dr. Geo was a clinician, researcher and director of clinical trials
at the Center for Holistic Urology at Columbia University Medical
Center. He is a licensed naturopathic doctor, licensed acupuncturist and
Certified Nutrition Specialist. Dr. Geo did his residency/fellowship in
Urology at Columbia University Medical Center, Department of Urology
under Dr. Aaron Katz. His research and practice are exclusive to
prostate disorders, general urology and men's health. Dr. Geo is a
member of the American Herbalist Guild, the American Urological
Association, and the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.
Dr. Geo is an author of the naturopathic
entry in "1000 Cures for 200 Ailments," by Harper Collins; March 2007
and "Prostate cancer – Nutrients that may slow its progression," Chapter
40 in Food and Nutrients in Disease Management - Maryland: Cadmus
Publishing, 2009. He has authored papers on prostate cancer and BPH in
the journal of European Urology and Primary Care: Clinics in Office
Practice respectively. In addition, he has written on integrative
approaches for urologic conditions in the Washington Post, Body and Soul
magazine, NDNR, Insight - Prostate Cancer Research Institute newsletter
and Bottom line health.
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