Science Made A Magic New Breed Of Anti-Aging Broccoli
We get angry at science sometimes because it keeps doing things like telling us Diet Coke will give us the teeth of a meth user and water bottles will give us wrinkles, but when it comes down to it, science is a pretty good egg. Now it’s gone and made broccoli even more healthful and given it a bunch of anti-aging benefits.
According to the Daily Meal‘s Jessica Chou:
Word is that Beneforté broccoli, which was developed through cross-pollination and selection to combine commercial broccoli with wild broccoli, has an increased ability to produce more phytonutrients like glucoraphanin, nutritents which often help improve the performance of mitochondria cells.Our moms always said broccoli was good for us, but they never told us it would help our skin stay glowy and elastic longer.
A recent study at the university of Norwich had volunteers eat portions of Beneforté broccoli, regular broccoli, or peas every week for three months. At the end of the study, blood tests showed those who had eaten the super broccoli had an increased metabolism and less inflammation. The glucoraphanin was found also found to help correct cellular processes in cells that are damaged or disrupted as people age.
Glucoraphanin occurs in other vegetables like Brussels sprouts and kale, but according to the Beneforté website, the super anti-aging broccoli has 270 percent of the nutrient found in regular broccoli. Poor kale has only 1 percent what regular broccoli has.
The scientists suggest that people eat three servings of regular or super broccoli a week, which probably isn’t great news for people who don’t like broccoli. But it’s healthful and has anti-aging properties, so in the interests of health and/or vanity, it’s probably a good idea to eat it anyway.
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