Saturday, December 7, 2013

5 Weight Training Tips for Beginners

I love giving weight training tips to beginners because it’s so important to get started off on the right foot. If I would have known one quarter of the things I know now I would have been in much better shape when I first started weight training.

Instead, I suffered through countless weight training injuries and had to learn many things through trial and error. So if you’re new to the game, get started off on the right foot and check out these 5 weight training tips for beginners.

Just get started

The idea behind just getting started is to stop making excuses and just begin a weight training routine. Today. There’s absolutely no reason to wait til tomorrow, or next week, or the new year. Commit yourself to starting today.

You don’t have to be an expert to get started. You don’t even need a gym membership. Check out 16 exercises you can do to build muscle at home without weights. The goal is get your body in the habit of moving and working out everyday.

Once your body gets used to doing something everyday, you’re golden. Sure, it may take a few weeks, but soon your body is going to crave working out and you won’t need much motivation at all!

Don’t try to be perfect

When you’re just getting into weight training, don’t try to be perfect. Remember, a perfect weight training routine does not exist. The idea is to follow a good, fundamental routine that emphasizes compound movements and progressive overload.

Read the 80/20 rule for lifting. Don’t focus too much on the details.

Unless you’re competing in a bodybuilding competition, the only person you have to compete with is yourself. So there’s no reason to try to be perfect.
Stay consistent

Another excellent weight training tip for beginners is to stay consistent. Or at least as consistent as possible. To stay consistent you need to make weight training a priority in your life. You might miss a happy hour here and there. But honestly, what’s more important to you?

Practice good gym etiquette

It is a good idea to get into the habit of practicing good gym etiquette right from the beginning. Not only will you win respect from the more experienced weightlifters, but it’s just the right thing to do.

Practicing good gym etiquette means not only respecting the equipment, but also the people around you:

Allow others to work in with you between sets

Wipe down equipment

Re-rack weights

Don’t be obnoxious

Take a second to help someone if they need guidance or a spot.

The main idea is to clean up after yourself and treat others at the gym with respect. If you follow these simple guidelines you’ll be in great shape!

Don’t underestimate recovery time

Sometimes when I see someone getting into weight training for the first time I notice they want to go all-out right away. They want to hit it hard, fast, and often. And that’s great; getting excited and motivated about something new is a great thing!

But you need to be careful not to go too crazy, especially at the beginning. Weight training every single day could spell disaster. You might be so sore you can’t move, or worse: set yourself up for an injury.

When you begin a new weight training routine I encourage you to put a lot of focus into your recovery time. Your body is going to need more recovery time than an experienced weightlifter because it is not used to lifting weights. The body takes time to adjust to anything, and lifting weights is no exception.

Contrary to what many people think, you break your muscle down when you’re at the gym lifting weights. It is during your recovery time away from the gym that your body repairs the muscles bigger and stronger than before.

It’s probably a good idea to stick to weight training two or three days a week when you’re first starting out with at least one or two days of recovery in between training sessions.

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