Monday, June 16, 2014

The Goal of Your Warm-Up

Your warm-up should make you warm. Yes, I know I’m pushing the boundaries of your intellectual capacity but bear with me for a minute. In all seriousness though, we need to make sure that we’re moving, sweating, and that our heart rate is a little faster than it is walking up stairs before we start heavier lifting or faster running.
While mobility drills can be great, most people don’t even get their muscles warm or joints moving through their existing range of motion with movements similar to what you’re going to be doing during the actual training session.  This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. You’re holding your training back because you’re not preparing the body adequately.
When I suggest using things such as sleds or prowlers to warm-up, some people complain that they don’t have access to equipment like this.
My response — make your own.
Here’s some ideas of just a couple of ways to warm-up the entire body. Running through this a couple of times will make sure your tissues are nice and warm and get your heart pumping the way it should.

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