Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Anti-Aging: It's never to late

Age - as you grow older, your risk of contracting hypokinetic diseases increase. For example, the risk of heart disease is approximately three times as great after sixty as before. The risk of back pain and ulcer disease is considerably greater after forty. Now the good news, all of these issues and more can be prevented and/or delayed considerably with the right knowledge, exercise, and nutrition programs.

Here are some factors that lead to diseases among  older adults

Reduced food intake due to:
-Decreased appetite due to lack of exercise
-Changes in taste, smell, and vision
-Dental problems
-Medications that restrict meal times or appetite
-Lack of mobility, money, and nutrition knowledge
Reduced nutrient absorption due to:
-Gastrointestinal changes

Nutrients needed by older adults as they age:
-Protein,Essential fatty acids,Fiber,Water,B6 AND B12,Vitamin D and Calcium
Here are a few Health and Wellness Benefits from regular Exercise for Anti-Aging

- Improved ability to function in daily life
- Better short-term memory
- Fewer illnesses
- Greater mobility
- Greater independence
- Decrease in dysfunctional years
- Better posture
- Improved sense of well-being
- Reduced risk of Heart attack, stroke, cancers, diabetes, low bone density(osteoporosis)
- Improved blood circulation and increased oxygen  carrying capacity of the blood
- Less chance of muscle and joint injuries

Here is a sample Anti-Aging exercise program

Weight resistance training 2x per week - 30 minutes
weight training to help strengthen and maintain muscle

Cardiovascular training 2x per week - 20 minutes
cardiovascular training to help strengthen the heart

 Flexibility training 4x per week 
 flexibility training to help keep muscles loose and bones in the correct positions
* stretch on the 4 days you train - 10-15 minutes 

The main key to anti-aging is to be physically active performing everyday functional movements that use the muscles you need on a daily basis  ( legs, arms, back, shoulders, and chest), and designing a meal plan that fits your individual needs.

Improve your Quality of Life = TRAIN WITH WAYNE

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