There comes a time in everyone's journey to lose weight where your body just completely stops responding to the shedding more pounds. At this time you must really evaluate your whole training program. There are only two adjustments you need to make.
# One is, you need to start an all out muscle building routine. Why? Your body will only lose so much weight, and at that point you need to build muscle to help the process of fat burning to start up again. The more muscle you build the more fat you burn.
Lets break the myth right now ladies, YOU WON'T GET BIG LIKE A BODYBUILDER. It's impossible fora women or man for that matter, to put on the amount of muscle that they see professionals have on their bodies. If you were suppose to be a professional athlete, you would have been one by now. It takes years of hard core training to put on the amount of muscle you think your going to get.
One pound of muscle burns an extra 50 - 100 calories a day with out doing any exercise at all. So add it up, 50 x 365 = 18,250 calories burned a year by just having one more pound of muscle on your body. The average muscle weight a person could gain in a year is about 6-7 pounds. Know lets add it up, 50 x 6 x 365= 109,500 calories that you can burn yearly. 3,500 calories = 1 pound. 109,500 divided by 3,500 = 31.2 pounds of fat that your body will burn by just gaining 6 pounds of muscle.
#Two is, your meal plan. As I mentioned in previous post, You must eat to lose weight. If you don't eat your body will respond in the opposite way. Instead burning fat, it will hang on to it.
Another little fact most people don't know is that if you lose weight and don't build muscle, your skin will start to sag and look as if you have 10 pound bags of potatoes hanging from the backs of your arms and 20 pounds of cheese on your rear ends.
So lesson for today, BUILD MUSCLE AND MEAL PLAN CORRECTLY to achieve the results you want.
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