Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Health Benefits of Arugula Nutrients


Arugula is one of the most known leafy green vegetable that belongs to the family of Brassicaceae and botanically known as Eruca Sativa. Arugula is identical to cauliflower, spinach, kale and mustard green vegetables. Arugula is otherwise commonly called as salad rocket and green rocket vegetable. Arugula leaves are lobed and elongated with nutty flavor and sweet or less pepper in taste. This plant is annual herb that grows up to three feet and has white edible flowers.

Arugula leafy green vegetable contains many essential vitamins such as Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin A, C, E, K and folates and minerals such as zinc, manganese, calcium, Iron, magnesium, selenium, phosphorous, copper, and antioxidants like beta carotene, alpha carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and macro nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, dietary fiber and zero cholesterol, all these nutrients contribute to provide better health and prevent many health disorders.

Top health benefits of Arugula nutrients that include; being it is a cruciferous vegetable that has sulforaphane and antioxidants, while the former blocks carcinogens and latter eliminates free oxygen radicals, thereby it lowers the risk of contracting many cancer disorders such as oral, lung and skin cancer. As it is rich in antioxidants, it strengthens immune system. It improves skin, bones and eye health due to the presence of rich content of vitamin A. Arugula is very beneficial for weight loss as it contains low calories. Arugula has low oxalate content but rich in calcium content that is beneficial for bone health and blocks the excess absorption of minerals.

The other health benefits of Arugula include; it prevents macular degeneration due to the presence of good content of antioxidants, it prevents cancer disease due to the presence of glucosinolates also. Arugula is very rich in fiber and nutritionally rich that improves cardiovascular health, prevents CAD disorders, and prevents Alzheimer’s disorder especially due to the presence of Vitamin K. It safeguards DNA and Liver from damage caused by alfatoxins due to the presence of rich chlorophyll.

It improves the health of nervous system and prevents neurological disorders due to the presence of Vitamin B complex constituents like folates, niacin, pyridoxine etc.. While the presence of vitamin k and calcium prevents osteoporosis, and aids in regeneration bone cells. It boosts up metabolic activities, regulates bowel movements, helps in digestive function and prevents constipation. DIM or Di-Indolyl-methane found in Arugula has anti bacterial and anti viral properties, that prevents bacterial and viral infections.

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