Green Tea - Chinese medicine has long relied on the immunity boosting properties of tea. Due to its high levels of the amino acid L-theanine, green tea (and black too) has been proven to support the immune system in fending off the organisms that cause disease.
Greek Yogurt - Your gastrointestinal system is your first line of defense when it comes to staying healthy. This is where our body decides whether or not the things that we have ingested are friend or foe – nutrient or toxin. Keeping your GI tract healthy and happy is critical for good health. And the probiotics in a good Greek yogurt will help keep the good bacteria in fighting shape to take on the undesirables.
Mushrooms - Mushrooms are one of the best forms of preventative care. Long been known for their immunity boosting qualities, mushrooms contain beta-glucan – a health enhancing nutrient that builds up the bodies immune response in advance of any trouble.
Oranges & Grapefruit - Like mushrooms, adding a bit of citrus to your diet will go a long way towards fending off your next cold or flu. Packed with Vitamin C, oranges and grapefruits help to increase your body’s resistance to any nasty invaders.
Oats & Barley - Any of the high-fiber grains, but oats and barley in particular, will help support a strong immune system. Like mushrooms, they contain health-enhancing beta-glucan, a form of fiber proven to build up immunity in preparation for future invaders.
Garlic - Garlic has been known to work wonders when it comes to fighting infection and unwanted bacteria. It’s immunity boosting properties come largely from allicin, a natural antibacterial, antiviral AND antifungal. The catch – it’s best eaten raw.
Sweet Potatoes - Aside from being one of my all time favorite veggies to roast, sweet potatoes make the list because of their high levels of beta carotene (shout out to carrots too). Not only does this antioxidant give sweet potatoes their fabulous color, it also plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy lining on both our lungs and digestive track – the front lines for fending off illness and disease.
Kale - Kale has once again earned its seat at the table of health-enhancing superfoods. Like other leafy greens, kale offers up a good dose of Vitamin E. This immunity boosting antioxidant is known for increasing the production of B-cells, those white blood cells that kill unwanted bacteria.
Fatty Fish - The Omega 3s in fatty fish like tuna & salmon are hugely helpful in keeping your immune system strong and effective. Not only do they support healthy lungs by reducing inflammation and lowering the risk of infection, they also increase the production of bacteria-killing white blood cells. If fish isn’t your thing (like me), try adding ground flax seed into your smoothies or on top of your salads & soups.
Water - Staying hydrated is critical to staying healthy. Once you start getting dehydrated, you are not able to produce the mucus needed to block out the bad stuff that makes you sick. Drinking water throughout the day will go a long way towards maintaining a strong immune system.
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