Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tips to lose weight

Tip 1: Fill up on vegetables and proteins

As everyone knows, the silhouette depends in large part of the diet. Among the top tips for weight loss, discuss the consumption of vegetables, but also, and this is less known, proteins, important for a long-term and effective weight loss.

Tip 2: Vegetables at every meal

All nutritionists say, need to eat at least five fruits and vegetables per day to be healthy and keep the line. However, eating too much fruit, rich in sugars, may have the opposite effect. But the vegetables, can be consumed at will. To lose weight, nothing better than to eat more than five different vegetables! Feel free to push up to eight, or even 10 vegetables a day.
Indeed, vegetables, for their very low-calorie, do not grow. In addition, they fill the stomach, thus delaying the feeling of hunger, you can eat less at each meal to not snack in mid-afternoon.
One of the tricks to lose weight is to start each meal by vegetables (two or three different vegetables), with not afraid to fill a large plate, and then to eat green salad after the main course, which can not be reused as a main course. In effect, even if the vegetables, very few calories, eat little, is to eat a big plate will have a psychological impact that will give you the impression of eating much; In addition, this will delay feelings of hunger before the next meal.
Tip 3: Do not flee the proteins

It is less known, but proteins are necessary during a slimming diet. Meat, eggs, fish, milk, are essential to increase our muscle mass and calcium on the bone; This allows the same time fill the stomach and to avoid eating too many starchy foods. Do not hesitate to eat 125 grams of meat or fish, as well as a dairy product, at every meal, and to accompany them to a large pan of cooked vegetables (beans, carrots, eggplants, Zucchini...). Tips to lose weight more easily with the protein is to replace the meat or fish by tofu. This herbal ingredient is very low fat and brings the proteins required for the functioning of the body. The second tip to lose weight with the proteins in the choice of dairy products: use yogurt instead of 0% fat, skim milk, and do not insist on the cheese.
And starches?

Also essential to the proper functioning of the body, however starchy foods make you fat, unless we know limit them: not more than 60 grams of pasta or rice at every meal! A little trick to lose weight however with starchy foods? Choose wholegrain bread, potatoes, lentils or other pulses, which, thanks to their high fiber content, have the advantage of delaying the feeling of hunger between meals. Thus, you are watching your weight without torture, always having the feeling of being full.

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