Saturday, January 26, 2013

Recommended Fruits and Vegetables for Weight Loss in Women

Dieticians and Nutritionists recommend the following fruits and vegetables for weight loss in women, because these fruits and veggies are rich in microand macro nutrients and have very low calorific content. Leafy green vegetables and fruits do not add fats and calories and at the same time pacifies hunger, provides rich volume of food and provides less chance for foods with high calories content and fats.
In general, according to evidence based research, plant based foods such as fruits and veggies prevent overeating as it is nutritionally rich and loaded with all essential Vitamins, minerals. Generally, 2 to 3 serving’s raw fruits and as snacking in between meals prevent the consumption of processed foods and helps to control food addiction of fast foods and processed foods, which are unhealthy, adding fats and promote weight gain and obesity.

On an average, the American Diet recommends 7% to 8% of fruits and veggies per day in overall diet for achieving weight loss and to improve overall general health. Leafy green vegetables help to reduce increased LDL cholesterol levels due to the presence of antioxidants. Fruits that contain pectin also bring down LDL cholesterol and increase HDL Cholesterol levels.

Recommended Fruits and Vegetables for Weight Loss Women include; Fruits such as Pineapples, Oranges, and Lemons are very rich in Vitamin C that burns off excessive fats and helps to flush out the same from the body and as such these fruits promote weight loss in women, when it is added in every day diet. Pears and Apples are loaded with dietary fiber known as pectin that prevent absorption of excess fats and control hunger, thus preventing intake of bad foods, and help to clear out fats from the body, thereby very helpful for weight loss in women, when it is added as snacking. Eating an apple every day prior to lunch or dinner helps to lose as much as 30% of weight in women according to research. Mannoheptulose, the sugar based enzyme found in Avocados fruits manage the storing fats in the body that lead to obesity. Hence inclusion of avocados in the regular diet helps for weight loss.

Among leafy green vegetables, broccoli and spinach play significant role for weight loss, as it boost the production and excretion of bile salts, which reduce enhanced LDL cholesterol levels. Antioxidants found in leafy greens eliminate free scavenging oxygen radicals and help to liquefy fats, thereby promote weight loss in women. Dieticians advise to take more fruits, greens and beans, which are very low calories content, having all vital nutrients and provide good volume of food content, that indirectly promote weight loss on long term basis.

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