Thursday, December 12, 2013

Enzymes impact weight, sleep, skin, and more!

Enzymes have often been referred to as the key to life, which, after extensive study and training, combined with personal experience, I’d have to say I agree.
It wasn’t until a few years ago that I even knew what an enzyme was, let alone what it did for me, but ever since, I’ve been a full-on junkie.  I mean hey, at least when it comes to being a junkie, this is one time it’s not a bad thing!
So, what is an enzyme? Great question.  In simple terms, it's a large protein molecule that is found in all living things, from food, to humans, to cats and dogs.  In nutrition, they’re essential to breaking down food into energy and ultimately making your body.  Without enzymes, the body cannot utilize the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fibers, or sugars we eat.
Bottom line, you cannot live without them, or else you’d be dead.  Moreover, enzymes are responsible for the chemical process that converts food into microscopic particles (nutrients) that create your hair, skin and nails. 
In other words, YOU.
There are 3 kinds of enzymes:
1)      Digestive
2)      Plant
3)      Metabolic
Digestive enzymes break down food making it easier for digestion and absorption to take place, plant enzymes break food down in the early phases of digestion which helps with the later phases, and metabolic enzymes clean your blood of impurities and bacteria.  All are critical to healthy digestion and immune function.
Our bodies produce very few enzymes.  Most of the enzymes we need come from food, however so as to extend shelf life, food manufacturers irradiate conventionally grown food which kills the naturally occurring enzymes in fruits and vegetables, which in turn kills the enzymes.  In that case, no amount of chewing will activate them because they simply no longer exist, which puts tremendous strain on the digestive tract to try to break down food without the aid of proper enzyme activity.
As a result of too much stress, not enough nutrient-dense food, cooking, eating too fast, improper digestion, and aging, our enzyme production all but ceases leading to chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes, heart and kidney failure, and cancer.
The most amazing results can happen by getting on the right enzyme protocol.  Sleep issues disappear, anxiety and depression lift, indigestion clears up, nails regrow, and stubborn fat melts away.
How could that be?  It’s due to lipase, which is a fat-splitting enzyme that breaks down fat and moves it and distributes it, not to mention burns fat for energy.  Lipase activity will break down and dissolve fat throughout your body but without it, fat stagnates and accumulates in the organs, arteries, and capillaries. You’ll see it on your hips, thighs, butt, and abs, particularly if you’re a woman because women typically have a harder time breaking fats and protein down which leads to higher toxicity from poor digestion, and increased sugar cravings.
Enzymes are very detoxifying too, which in and of itself can lead to weight loss, but helps with clearer skin, less rashes and irritation, and a more youthful appearance.  Enzymes are designed to get nutrition into your cells, and waste out of them, so they naturally do the work that harmful toxins like Botox or Retinol negate. 
Enzymes are not a quick fix, but they do produce fast results once the source of stress is identified and resolved, which is what sets enzyme therapy apart from the typical “sick care” approach to health that unfortunately fails to identify and remove the source of stress to begin with.  Whether it’s mechanical, emotional or nutritional, stress is inescapable and is considered to be the #1 cause of all symptoms of all disease.
Enzymes therapy helps with even the most mysterious symptoms, like:
  • Back Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Sprains and Strains
  • Headaches
  • Digestive Issues
  • Allergies
  • Poor Immune Response
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Stubborn weight
  • Acne
Even complex conditions such as arthritis and high blood pressure notice marked improvement!
Being, or worse, staying reliant on a model of health that lacks the integrity necessary to restore and maintain function in your body so that it's able to perform the way it's supposed to on its own can only lead to self-destruction and the ultimate failure and shutdown of vital body systems.  Preventing disease is not complicated, it merely requires a systematic system of checks and balances that can easily be monitored, guaranteeing all pathways work in accordance with their design. 
Taking back control of your own health is the truest answer to the healthcare crisis, which can easily be done with enzyme nutrition therapy, a convenient, low-cost way to ensure that your health is safeguarded without painful injections, expensive medications or costly hospital visits.  
Now, you have a choice in healthcare.  What will you choose?

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