Thursday, April 6, 2017

5 Natural Remedies You Need In Your Anti-Aging Routine

Did you know…science has found that about 70% of the aging process is under your control? Everything that you eat and drink, all the stress you have to endure, toxic air you breathe in…all of it makes itself noticeable in your body – in the way you look and feel.
There is plenty of information on the internet about what to try for anti-aging, but it can be confusing to know what works best. We’ve made it easier for you by finding the most naturally powerful and effective remedies of all…

1. Coconut milk for moisturizing dry skin

Coconut milk is a great moisturizer due to its soothing properties. Rub coconut milk on your skin directly for 20-30 minutes – this will combat skin dryness and promote more healthy skin.
It can keep your skin soft, tender, and radiantly young. You can also apply coconut milk directly to your face; expect a great glowing result.

2. Papaya for skin firmness

This fruit is known for its ability to create radiant skin. The substance in papaya called papain can digest the dead cells on the surface of the skin, making skin more firm and elastic. You can ingest this food or apply directly onto your skin.
To make a papaya face mask, simply put a ripe (yet firm) papaya into the blender. Wait for it to become a soft paste. Apply this paste on your face, and leave the mask for 15-20 minutes to get the best result. Rinse it off with warm water. Do this twice a week to prevent wrinkles and help to renew your skin.

3. Cucumber for Skin Rejuvenation

Cucumber has a soothing action that keeps skin healthy. It gives you glowing, hydrated skin. It also improves your skin complexion, banishes cellulite, tightens open pores, and even fades freckles.
Cucumber helps to reduce the puffiness and dark circles under the eyes, which is what it’s widely recognized for. Cucumbers have the ability to quickly, safely and easily help reduce the appearance of dark circles.
The antioxidants, silica, along with its cooling properties all help rejuvenate the skin. Cucumber also reduces water retention – and this is one of the main reasons why it helps to reduce and control puffiness under the eyes.

4. Aloe vera for a more youthful appearance

The Aloe Vera plant has 75 different nutrients and other substances that promote a youthful look and good health.
Just one tablespoon of organic aloe vera gel every day can essentially reduce wrinkles and make skin look younger in appearance.
Cut the leave and eat the gel that oozes from within with a spoon, or drink it in a smoothie. If the taste is not desired, you can just rub the gel on your body for moisturizer. There are also lots of aloe vera products on the market.
Aloe vera is considered to be a most excellent home-made ingredient for stretch marks and other various skin problems. It is known for its soothing and healing characteristics. You can also apply aloe vera directly onto stretch marks to reduce their appearance. After a few minutes, clean it with lukewarm water.

5. Scoop the Fenugreek

Fenugreek can help to eliminate signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines. The antioxidant activity in fenugreek seeds can fight free radicals that accelerate the aging process.
Simply blend fenugreek seeds, together with yogurt until a smooth paste is formed and apply it onto your face. Keep the mask on for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
Fenugreek seed cures acne, moisturizes your skin, adds shine to your hair and prevents hair loss. It can fight dandruff and premature graying of hair.
Other benefits include liver protection kidney function support and digestive support. Along with reducing cholesterol, it can prevent cancer, heart attacks and even diabetes. Eating the seeds combined with a healthy diet and exercise can help you to lose weight as well.
Now that we know which things to focus on to look younger, it is time to consume or use these natural remedies on a daily basis. The more creative you are with the remedies, the more exciting the results will be when you look in the mirror

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