Sunday, May 6, 2012

Diabetes Prevention

People with diabetes have an impaired ability to transport glucose from the blood into the muscles so that it can be used for energy. The resulting high levels of blood glucose increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease, blindness, and loss of limbs. 

The best cure for diabetes is prevention.

The most common type  is type 2 diabetes. This type occurs in people who are overweight and unfit. With the obesity epidemic in America, the diabetes epidemic is tagging right alongside, particularly among children who have grown accustomed to eating super-sized fast foods and spending too much time in front of the TV and computer screens instead of being outside playing and moving their bodies.

Many people think eating lots of sugar causes diabetes. Wrong. Being overweight and unfit are the biggest culprits. The solution is to lose wight and exercise regularly. According to recent studies,  subjects  who started exercising and  lost weight  reduced their risk of getting diabetes by 58 percent without taking medication compared to 31 percent who took medication to control it without exercise and weight loss.

The conclusion is that proper eating and exercise are better than medicine. By becoming active and staying active throughout your life, you'll greatly reduce your risk of developing adult-onset diabetes, as well as other diseases of aging.


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