Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Heavy Lifting the smart way

   Beginners beware: when you first start lifting weights you probably also pick up some hard core muscle magazines, and dream of someday being as big as the professionals your looking at. But before you go any further, you then go to these magazines web pages and watch videos of the guys you've just read about. There is where the problem starts. Most of the pros have horrible technique as they lift hundreds of pounds day after day. Now, as you know, I LOVE THE SPORT OF BODYBUILDING. That being said, I've learned through my college studies that by using correct form with full range of motion can give you an added advantage of building bigger and fuller muscles. Now, I'm also not going to argue with a pro about his/her form either, they are where they are and I'm just a trainer.
   I've been in this game a long time, have been relatively injury free, and I lift heavy weights for a man 47 years of age. As I got to personally know a few pro's, I asked them why they sometimes use what seems to be incorrect form and techniques. The reason they all gave was because they are lifting such heavy weights that they have to adjust their positions to have better leverage to move that amount of weight. Sounds silly, but in a technical way they are correct. My word of advice to all the beginners is to first learn the correct range of motion for your muscles, build up your strength over a period of time, and then experiment with different positions as you lift heavier and heavier weights. What is good for one person is not always good and correct for another person.
   This game of lifting weights can be very rewarding for a lifetime, but it can also be very frustrating if your not focused enough to be diligent with learning about your body. Please take the time to study about what your are doing and go about it in an educated and smart way.


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