Tuesday, February 19, 2013

12 Most Pesticide Contaminated Produce Items

Do you know what are the 12 Most Pesticide Contaminated Produce Items You May be Feeding your Family? Use this knowledge to buy Organic for these top 12.

The following 12 produce items have been shown to be the most contaminated. Try to buy these produce items in organic form to avoid the excessive amounts of pesticide.
1. Strawberries
2. Celery
3. Apples
4. Peaches
5. Spinach
6. Nectarines
7. Kale/collard greens
8. Sweet bell peppers
9. Lettuce
10. Blueberries
11. Potatoes
12. Grapes

These 15 produce items are known by the EWG as the “clean 15″. They have the least amount of pesticides and buying organic for these items may not be worth the extra money.

1. Grapefruit
2. Sweet corn
3. Pineapples
4. Avocado
5. Mushrooms
6. Cantaloupe
7. Sweet potatoes
8. Eggplant
9. Sweet peas
10. Kiwi
11. Cabbage
12. Watermelon
13. Mangoes
14. Onions
15. Asparagus

The conclusion of the analysis confirmed that if someone were to eat from the clean 15 and purchased organically from the dirty dozen, they would lower their pesticide intake by 92%.

11 hours ago

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