Chickpeas are pulses that belong to the family of
Legume plants. Chickpeas are popularly known as Garbanjo beans in the
Unites States of America. It is also called as Kabuli Chana in several
countries and the chickpeas are very popular food item in Asian
Countries including India. Chickpeas have good delicious nutty taste.
Wide variety of dishes and recipes like chana masala and curried chole
etc… in India, and falafels, hummus in Asia are prepared with chickpeas.
Chickpeas nutritional data include; it contains high content of proteins and it is one of good source of the proteins for vegetarians. It is enriched with iron, copper, molybdenum, phosphorous, manganese, potassium, folates, tryptophan, antioxidants and good content of dietary fiber. Chickpeas contain less fats and low in calories content. Just one and half cup of semi cooked chickpeas provides as much as 134 calories of energy.
As per the recommendation of USDA guidelines, men with active work need 3000 calories while men with sedentary work need 2200 calories per day and 2400 calories for women with active work while women with inactive life style need 1800 calories per day. One and half cup of chickpeas provides as much as twenty two grams of energy and seven grams of protein and compensate with twenty five percent of iron, and thirty five per cent of folates for daily requirement. The good source of fiber in chickpeas are filling the stomach due to the absorption of water and sending the signals to the nervous system that you became full with diet and controls appetite. The dietary fiber releases the hormone called as cholecystokinin that controls hunger, helps in digestive function, improves metabolic activity and repress hunger as per the results of study published by American Clinical Journal of Nutrition.
Here we discuss some of the health benefits and nutritional benefits of chickpeas for weight loss that include the following; the goods source of dietary fiber and antioxidants found in chickpeas reduce LDL cholesterol levels in the blood while the magnesium and folates reduce the level of homocysteine that provide strength to blood vessels, thus reducing the risk of heart stroke, and improves cardiovascular health totally. It tends to enhance the levels of iron that enhances the levels of hemoglobin in the body and half cup of the same provides as much as 2.40mg of iron that contributes to thirteen percent of daily requirement of the same. Half cup of cooked chickpeas also provides 140 mcg of folates that contribute to thirty five percent of requirement of folates per day. Folates helps to improve cellular health, help to regenerate cells, essential for the health of nervous system, and prevents neurological disorders.
Just one cup of cooked chickpeas provides eighty five of percent manganese for daily requirement, which increase the production of energy. The presence of soluble fiber manages blood glucose levels, controls hunger, as it has low content of Glycemic Index and it helps for losing weight. It consists of both insoluble and soluble dietary fiber, which boosts the digestive function, improves digestion, reduces cholesterol, prevents constipation and aids for weight loss. The presence of saponins and antioxidants prevents osteoporosis, eases menopausal disorders and prevents hot flashes during menopause in women.
For more health and wellness articles, latest health studies, see the news articles and blogs at
Chickpeas nutritional data include; it contains high content of proteins and it is one of good source of the proteins for vegetarians. It is enriched with iron, copper, molybdenum, phosphorous, manganese, potassium, folates, tryptophan, antioxidants and good content of dietary fiber. Chickpeas contain less fats and low in calories content. Just one and half cup of semi cooked chickpeas provides as much as 134 calories of energy.
As per the recommendation of USDA guidelines, men with active work need 3000 calories while men with sedentary work need 2200 calories per day and 2400 calories for women with active work while women with inactive life style need 1800 calories per day. One and half cup of chickpeas provides as much as twenty two grams of energy and seven grams of protein and compensate with twenty five percent of iron, and thirty five per cent of folates for daily requirement. The good source of fiber in chickpeas are filling the stomach due to the absorption of water and sending the signals to the nervous system that you became full with diet and controls appetite. The dietary fiber releases the hormone called as cholecystokinin that controls hunger, helps in digestive function, improves metabolic activity and repress hunger as per the results of study published by American Clinical Journal of Nutrition.
Here we discuss some of the health benefits and nutritional benefits of chickpeas for weight loss that include the following; the goods source of dietary fiber and antioxidants found in chickpeas reduce LDL cholesterol levels in the blood while the magnesium and folates reduce the level of homocysteine that provide strength to blood vessels, thus reducing the risk of heart stroke, and improves cardiovascular health totally. It tends to enhance the levels of iron that enhances the levels of hemoglobin in the body and half cup of the same provides as much as 2.40mg of iron that contributes to thirteen percent of daily requirement of the same. Half cup of cooked chickpeas also provides 140 mcg of folates that contribute to thirty five percent of requirement of folates per day. Folates helps to improve cellular health, help to regenerate cells, essential for the health of nervous system, and prevents neurological disorders.
Just one cup of cooked chickpeas provides eighty five of percent manganese for daily requirement, which increase the production of energy. The presence of soluble fiber manages blood glucose levels, controls hunger, as it has low content of Glycemic Index and it helps for losing weight. It consists of both insoluble and soluble dietary fiber, which boosts the digestive function, improves digestion, reduces cholesterol, prevents constipation and aids for weight loss. The presence of saponins and antioxidants prevents osteoporosis, eases menopausal disorders and prevents hot flashes during menopause in women.
For more health and wellness articles, latest health studies, see the news articles and blogs at
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