Thursday, July 4, 2013

Eat Small Portions More Often To Lose Weight

It is not only what you eat but how you eat is also very important when it comes to losing weight. There are number of benefits by eating small amounts of food in many numbers of times instead of going for heavy intake of food in the morning, afternoon and evening sessions.

Consume food in small quantities

By eating small portions, all that you eat will be easily digested. Your digestive system will not be overloaded or overburdened to process large quantities of food.
For this reason, many-a-times, you are prone to get stomach pains. When you take less amounts of food, there will be sufficient space in the stomach to initiate the digestive process by utilizing all the enzymes produced in the stomach.
By eating small quantities of food, there will not be any possibility of accumulation of unnecessary fat in the body. All the food taken inside will be consumed as the metabolism will be active to utilize the total energy released.

Overcome food cravings

Eating less and more times will also reduce or eliminate your food cravings. Everyone will have strong desire or special cravings for certain food items. These cravings differ from person to person. Some people like salt items, for some sweets are dearer and for some items prepared with chilly and spice are very hot.
These cravings will make you eat more. When you eat in less quantities and more number of times, these kinds of cravings will also come down. Your food intake will be minimized as the cravings will come down.
By taking less food and more number of times, your hunger pang will decrease. This will help you not eat excess.

Balanced diet is vital

While eating small quantities, you should take care that all the required nutrients are supplied in a day’s span.
Your diet should be balanced with protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. You can include whole grains and complex carbohydrates. Fresh fruits and vegetables should always be included in the list. It is ideal to eat whenever you are hungry and a total of 5 to 6 times per day are ideal than eating 2 to 3 heavy meals per day.
You should drink plenty of water and green tea can be cherished once or twice a day.
Another important factor is that the food items should be consumed by chewing properly. If you savor the food by eating in a conscious mode by not diverting your attention to a television or newspaper, all the intake will be easily digested.
Your body will absorb all the calories generated from the food you take. By taking small amount of food in many numbers of times, you can avoid obesity. You will be able to maintain correct body mass index (height to weight ratio) and keep yourself fit enough to perform various physical activities in day to day life.

Shed weight and stay fit

The practice of food intake in small quantities should be continued with much determination and dedication. Your body will be accustomed to take fewer quantities and thus it will be tuned to the new process.
Eating less quantities and more number of times is an easy way and natural method to shed weight. This process will not only burn the excess fat and will prevent the formation of fat in future. Eating less along-with moderate exercises will keep you fit and healthy.

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