The Law of Signatures
Understanding The Law of Signatures is an intuitive approach to the knowledge of how food relates to our health and well-being.Here are a few examples:
Avocados: Resembling the uterus targets the female reproductive system. It takes exactly nine months to ripen an avocado to ripened fruit. According to research, when a woman eats one avocado a week, it helps to balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight, and prevents cervical cancers. It is also a good source of folic acid, which decreases the risk of uterine dysplasia—a precancerous condition.
Tomatoes: Lycopene, the bright red carotene found in tomatoes, decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. By adding a bit of fat to your tomatoes—toss them with olive oil or mix with avocado—the amount of lycopene digested by your body will increase tenfold.
Green Grapes: Very effective for helping asthma, as the assimilatory benefits of grapes make the lungs more moist, opening bronchial tubes and making it far easier to breathe overall. Also helpful for aiding in getting over a cold or cough due to blocked airways, and helps to get rid of and break up mucous in the body while you are sick. Drinking grape juice can open your airways and help improve your lung function either due to asthma-related issues of a cough or cold.
Red Grapes: Help the heart by raising the nitric oxide levels in the blood. This helps to prevent blood clots, which keeps heart attacks and strokes at bay. Furthermore, the antioxidants in grapes help prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol, keeping it from clogging the arteries to the heart and keeping the heart healthier overall.
Ginger: Good for your stomach, spleen and intestines. Ginger is extremely good for a good digestion and the burning of calories. Ginger contains a substance called zingibain. There is no substance on earth that has such powerful protein digest enzymes as zingibain.
Kidney Beans: Kidney beans are a rich source of fiber, which is extremely helpful in lowering cholesterol. The National Institute of Health discovered a link between high cholesterol levels and kidney disease.
Olives: An Italian study found that women whose diets included a lot of olive oil had a 30% lower risk of ovarian cancer. The reasons are unclear, but the healthy fats in the oil may help suppress genes predisposed to causing cancer.
There are several more examples such as carrots are good for eye health, figs are good for testicles, etc.
The idea is to eat a variety of foods and you can cover most of your body parts with everything they need to function optimally.
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