Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Foods That May Help In Cancer Prevention

Which Foods May Help Fight Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and as someone who has been touched by this horrible disease I would first like to help spread the word about how early detection can help save lives. In this article I will discuss how a healthy diet might help in cancer prevention and which foods might possibly be cancer fighting foods.
cancer prevention
Cancer is a harmful disease which will cause your body’s cells to grow in a quick, unmanageable way and if it is not treated early, it could be fatal. The positive news is that some of the latest research has revealed that about one in three cancers may be linked to diet. This suggests that by eating the right foods you may cut your risk of cancer by up to 33%. In this article I’m going to be covering which nutrients have been specifically connected with cancer prevention and then showing some of the best cancer fighting foods.
Which Nutrients In Food Can Possibly Protect Against Cancer?
Several of the nutrients in natural, unprocessed foods have been shown to possibly have properties to help prevent cancer and these are defined in the list below:
1) Fiber: Fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate that is usually found in the majority of fruits and vegetables. Research has shown that a high fiber diet may reduce your risk of developing many different types of cancer including colon cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer.
2) Fat: Fat isn’t usually recognized as one of the cancer fighting foods or even a health food. Yet, not only is it essential for good health but research has found that eating lots of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat can possibly help protect you from cancer.

3) Vitamins: Certain vitamins have a selection of 13 nutrients that have a great number of benefits in the body which may also include cancer prevention. Such vitamins as A, B9, C, D and E have all been shown to lower your cancer risk. 4) Minerals: The minerals are a group of nutrients that behave in a very similar way to the vitamins and assist many of the important processes in your body. Some of these minerals may also protect against cancer with studies indicating that copper, molybdenum, germanium, selenium and vanadium are all strong cancer fighters.
5) Phytonutrients: The phytonutrients are a large selection of nutrients that can be found in many fruits and vegetables. They’re not classified as essential nutrients but they just may be one of the most powerful cancer preventing nutrient groups around.
Which Food Can Protect Against Cancer?
The best foods that may be cancer fighting foods are the ones that contain high levels of the nutrients that are listed above. In general, natural, unprocessed foods that contain large amounts of these nutrients are ideal but if you’re searching for ideas, the list below describes five of the best foods for cancer prevention:
1) Almonds: Almonds are packed with fiber, vitamin E, copper, and monounsaturated fat. They’re also very filling and make a terrific healthy snack.
2) Blueberries: Blueberries are amongst the most phytonutrient rich foods available and also consist of extremely high levels of vitamin E and vitamin C. In addition to this, they’re very sweet and an excellent choice for dessert.
3) Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds are one of the top sources of dietary fiber and polyunsaturated fats. They can be consumed on their own or mixed in with yogurt to create a tasty cancer fighting snack.
4) Green Tea: One of the most well publicized cancer fighting foods around, Green Tea, is packed full of phytonutrients. The taste will take some getting used to, so if you find it a little overwhelming try adding honey or lemon to the glass.
5) Soybeans: Soybeans are another outstanding source of phytonutrients and also have high levels of copper, fiber and polyunsaturated fat. They’re an extremely versatile vegetable and can be added to virtually any meal.

Including more cancer fighting foods into your diet can possibly give you added protection from this nasty disease. So if you’re not taking in the foods above on a regular basis, now is the time to make some changes. Say goodbye to the processed foods, stock up on these healthy, natural cancer fighting foods and give your body the protection it deserves.

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