Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Efficient Weight Loss Goal For Maximum Results

Weight loss turns out to be a part of almost every one’s new year resolutions. Obviously, the stress, hectic lifestyles (and a rise in junk cuisines), are to be blamed for this.
However, the bigger question is how to break out of the rut of just marking weight loss as a part of common wishlists while doing practically nothing proactive about it.
Unrealistic goals lead to premature desertion of the game plan.

Realistic approach

Start with the most difficult part of the process. Simplify the goal and break it down in to doable chunks. Give yourself the chance to, at least, take up the challenge, but do not make it overwhelming.
A realistic approach might be something like “Lose 2 pounds in a week.” start with this and build up to a bigger chunk. Therefore, even if you stumble at any one stage, you would already have finished the earlier stages (result= the earlier stages add on to quite a figure!).

Hold yourself accountable

It is much easier to give up on the goals than continue with them. Somewhere along the process, you will need to resort to motivational tactics. However, before that-
  • Begin by announcing your target to your friends and family.
  • Write it down on a colorful piece of paper and stick it on the fridge.
  • It helps to chart out your weight loss according to simulated before and after figures of your body (if you lack the drawing skills, there are a number of software programs on the Internet for this). Creating a visual aid to your plan is self-motivational, the push that you need to keep moving forward.
These steps ensure that the consequences of giving up are more distasteful and that will by contrast motivate you forward.

Workout plans and more

Just committing to a workout routine for a couple of hours a week will not cut it. Make the big difference-
  • Start by making small replacements.
  • Cut back on your sugar and oil intakes. Switch to whole grains and stock up on fluids throughout the day to remain hydrated.
  • Walk when you can, avoid the lift and skip with your kids, if you can.
  • Convert your sedentary lifestyle to a proactive one to continue losing weight throughout the day. Stock up on health magazines, scroll through lifestyle and exercise related sites on the net. Basically, surround yourself with the intent of weight loss.

Cardio is the key

Cardio is the key to burning fat and busting the calories. The routine prevents cholesterol from clogging your heart. It gets your blood flowing and adds that workout glow to your skin. So put on the running shoes and take that power walk to warm up before your weight training.
Be more creative and start adding ankle weights (after giving yourself time to get accustomed). Figure out the most effective diet for you (Juice diet, Gluten-free, Atkins or once a day fast) and then further customize t0 to suit your daily schedule, body type and other preferences.
While you are creating the weight loss chart, sneak in a couple of massages (and a steam bath) occasionally. They are not only fun but also necessary in toning up loose skin after a steep weight loss. A deep tissue oil massage, preferably with an exfoliation agent, will help lighten stretch marks, which appear with the excessive weight gain.

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