Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Awesome Benefits Of BlueBerries

  The Antioxidant Powerhouse!

Blueberries are the second most popular berries, the most popular being strawberries. BlueBerries popularity has grown in the recent years due to its awesome medicinal purposes. Not only do they taste great alone, but they are amazing when added to different foods and health drinks.

*Did you know that BlueBerries have one of the highest antioxidant capacities period! Yes, even among all spices, seasonings, vegetables and other fruits.

Recent studies have shown that organic blueberries have higher total phenol antioxidants, and total anthocyanin antioxidants than those that are not organic in nature. It has also been found the antioxidant capacity is much greater in organic blueberries, then those that are not.

Blueberries Other Benefits

Blood Sugar Benefits

Those of you who have type 2 Diabetes, and other blood sugar imbalance issues can relate on how hard it is too maintain blood sugar balance. Well these little bad boys can help you to maintain balanced levels within the body, without you having to worry about a spike in levels.

The key is the low glycemic levels that blueberries have. They are somewhere around 39-52 range, which falls in the low G.I level rating. To reap the benefits you must consume around 3 servings of low glycemic fruits, which strawberries are also an awesome addition. Not only are they great for sugar balance but they are also full of fiber, making blueberries a powerhouse for those of you trying to keep your levels low and your tummy full at the same time.

Cancer Prevention

Studies have shown that Blueberries anthocyanins have the potential to help stunt the grown for colon cancer cells as well as other type of cancer cells. Since they are also very high in vitamin C, cancer patients are encouraged to eat them since Vitamin C helps to keep blood vessels firm, and helps them from bruising easily.

Eye Benefits

Many of you may not know this, but the retina of the eye is an area that has higher than normal risk of oxidative stress. The stress can cause severe damage and problems later on in life like cataracts and and even blindness.

The antioxidants found in blueberries can help protect against the damage. The anthocyanins in the blueberries can help prevent oxygen damage, due to things like toxins in the air. The anthocyanins can also help to prevent damage due to sunlight exposure, that can really cause damage throughout the years.

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