Sunday, January 26, 2014

8 Reasons Why You Need To Start Exercising

As we all know, exer­cis­ing has many many ben­e­fits for the human body and mind .In the arti­cle below we chose the 8 most impor­tant reasons.
1.It pre­vents Aging
With reg­u­lar exer­cise you will  big­ger flow of oxy­gen in the blood which in turn works well on the mem­ory . Reg­u­lar exer­cise evokes reac­tions in the brain that directly slow down the degen­er­a­tion of the cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem, and the effect that exer­cise has on mus­cle and is eas­ily visible.They become stronger and big­ger, which con­tributes to greater agility while being aged per­son . In fact the tests say that the aging process does not affect human health as much as the poor phys­i­cal activ­ity over the years.
2. Improves The Func­tion­ing Of The Brain
If you thought that main­tain­ing the brain in shape is solv­ing Sudoku and cross­words, you just lied your­self, bet­ter wear sneak­ers and run to the park to run a cir­cle or two. Stud­ies made un the Uni­ver­sity of Illi­nois showed that vir­tu­ally there is no dif­fer­ence between adults who are fit and young adults when it comes to brain activity.We have already noted that exer­cise causes increased cir­cu­la­tion that feeds the brain, but it also helps the devel­op­ment of nerve cells in the part of the brain respon­si­ble for the memory.

3. It Is Great For The Sex­ual Life
Even med­ical stud­ies have proven that the more“fit” you  are the  bet­ter  sex per­for­manceyou will have. They are based on two main points, psy­cho­log­i­cal — when you are not over­weight you have a good time, it makes you even more to think about sex and phys­i­cal activity.Also when you are fit, you will have  improved  libido, blood cir­cu­la­tion and the func­tion­ing of repro­duc­tive organs for men is espe­cially impor­tant for ever hav­ing sex.Even Cedric Bryant of the Amer­i­can Coun­cil on Exer­cise said: “Exer­cise is a nat­ural Via­gra. Those who work­out reg­u­larly have an increased desire, greater self-confidence which in turn means a greater chance of orgasm and gen­er­ally for bet­ter sex.
4.Struggles With Insomnia
Relax­ation exer­cises will help you relieve stress, headaches, and back pain and the insom­nia. With exer­cise the body releases endor­phins which are nat­ural pain pill, a sense of secu­rity and a feel­ing that you have things under con­trol.
Phys­i­cal activ­ity dur­ing the day will help good qual­ity sleep at night. It is ideal to exer­cise in the morn­ing, because later in the day it may have slightly counter effect when it comes for sleeping.
5.Exercise Is A Fighter Against Impotence
Already men­tioned in the sex  sec­tion  , improved cir­cu­la­tion also affects “that” organ. Dr. Andrew Makalu of Insti­tute for Sex­ual Health for men says:
“Loos­ing weight, can­cel­la­tion of smok­ing and increas­ing the phys­i­cal activ­ity improves sex­ual health. All the time we talk — treat­ment, treat­ment, treat­ment. Finally we see many evi­dences that tell us that all this can be changed only by chang­ing the way of life. ”
6.Prevents Stroke
Look­ing for a very seri­ous rea­son to finally ful­fill that so much talked about promise that you will start exer­cis­ing? Here’s your one. Exer­cise seri­ously reduces the chance of stroke. “Highly active” peo­ple are 27% less likely to get stroke by those who do not, while “medium active” have a 20% lower chance. Who are peo­ple with “high activ­ity”? 15–20 min­utes of jog­ging a day will place you in this group . Many of those who have expe­ri­enced a stroke, died.

7.It Is Good For The Mind And Spirit
In an arti­cle of ‘90, the sports psy­chol­o­gist Dr. R. Brown made ​​a small list for the impact of exer­cise  of the human psy­che: “Exer­cise turns atten­tion away from daily prob­lems, , allows social inter­ac­tion that is not pos­si­ble when a per­son is act­ing as an indi­vid­ual, increases con­fi­dence, reduces tension
Pro­vides oxy­gen and nutri­ents to the body
Stud­ies say that with just a lit­tle exer­cise sev­eral times a week, peo­ple over 80 can dra­mat­i­cally improve their health If this applies to grand­par­ents, it must be true for younger ones also With exer­cise, as already men­tioned, more oxy­gen is used for the work of body and also reduces high blood pres­sure which is very com­mon for the elderly people

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