Diseases That It Creates: heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes…just to name a few!
And yet according to the New England Journal of Medicine 2010, our
health care system is ranked 37th out of 191 countries in performance,
with more Americans suffering from chronic illnesses today than ever
before. In fact, it is common for American people to be burdened by more
than three chronic illnesses simultaneously, and there is a syndrome
that explains why. Metabolic Syndrome is an underlying cause of
obesity, heart disease, (including high cholesterol, high triglycerides,
high blood pressure) arthritis, and type 2 diabetes. It is a syndrome
caused by poor lifestyle choices and a syndrome you seldom hear about on
the evening news.
The chronic disease escalation has contributed to a significant
increase in out-of-pocket medical expenditures for many Americans
because prescription drugs are often not completely covered by health
insurance policies. The average annual out-of-pocket expense increased
from $427 per American in 1996 to $741 in 2005. After adjusting for
inflation, this is a 39% increase in this type of spending per person
over that period of time.
Unfortunately, these expenditures are significantly higher for the
elderly. An elderly person insured through Medicare with three or more
chronic illnesses pays an average of $2,588 in out-of-pocket medical
Avoid Becoming a Statistic
The truth is we live in a time of accelerated aging. Our cells are
aging faster than our years and our bodies are creating diseases of
aging at much higher levels and much lower ages. Diseases that used to
be equated with the age once we were actually old, are occurring even
our children especially obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and
By now we’ve all heard the importance of making healthy
food choices but having knowledge and applying knowledge can be
different. So let’s look at the consequences of making unhealthy food
choices or regularly skipping meals? At the very least, we make
ourselves vulnerable to metabolic syndrome, also referred to as syndrome
X or insulin resistance.
Metabolic syndrome has become increasingly common in the
United States; an estimated 80 million Americans have it. This
syndrome is characterized by a group of metabolic risk factors that
occur in a person. They include:
- Abdominal obesity (excessive fat tissue in and around the abdomen)
- High blood fats, high triglycerides and high LDL cholesterol
- Low HDL cholesterol
- Elevated blood pressure
- Insulin resistance or glucose intolerance (the body can’t properly use insulin or blood sugar)
- Pro-inflammatory state (for example, chronic pain or elevated C-reactive protein in the blood) which stresses the immune response.
- Waist measuring 40 inches or more for men, and 35 inches or more for women
The dominant underlying risk factors for this syndrome
appear to be abdominal obesity and insulin resistance. Insulin
resistance is a generalized metabolic disorder in which the body can’t
use insulin efficiently as the cell wall becomes resistant to insulin
released by the pancreas. (This is why metabolic syndrome is also
called Insulin Resistance Syndrome.)
Fat is not inert tissue, it is a source of silent pain
and inflammation. It is filled with arachidonic acid and environmental
toxins. As you metabolize fat, organochlorides are released and
interfere with your thyroid gland often times causing a stall in weight
loss. This creates the plateau that so many people struggle with that
sends them back to their old ways of eating. It is also why the use of
Medical Foods can be important for removing these organochlorides and
environmental toxins.
Remember, when starting a weight loss program it is
important to monitor the type of tissue you are losing to ensure you are
losing fat and not lean muscle mass. There are many seemingly
skinny-fat people – meaning they have a high percentage of body
composition that is inflammatory fat. Remember all degenerative
diseases involve and are contributed to by inflammation.
This inflammation begins with a high insulin lifestyle habits:
Initially, symptoms may include common things such as
feeling sluggish after eating, experiencing dull headaches related to
certain foods and excess weight gain, especially around the abdomen.
These symptoms are created by the dysregulation of blood sugar levels
- Poorly balanced high carbohydrate meals
- Skipping meals
- Lack of proper exercise
- Overuse of stimulants
- Lack of stress management
- Micronutrient/Vitamin mineral imbalance
- Hormonal imbalance
and can ultimately lead to obesity, low blood sugar
(hypoglycemia) and high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) fluctuations, high
blood pressure, insulin resistance, high blood fats and, worst of all,
Type 2 diabetes.
America has the fastest growing adolescent population of
Type 2 diabetics, which is largely driven by obesity. Clearly, obesity
is on the increase with our children; an estimated 16 to 33 percent of
children in the United States are obese, and 60 percent of adults are
overweight or obese—totaling 108 million people. It’s not difficult to
figure out why childhood obesity has become a national epidemic.
Youngsters spend sedentary hours each day in front of TVs, video games
and computers. Schools either no longer require or have greatly reduced
physical education classes, and potentially dangerous streets keep our
kids inside rather than outdoors playing sports and exercising. Coupled
with the proliferation of fast food and sugar-laden snacks, our
children’s bodies are facing even greater challenges.
One major obstacle to children’s health is the easy
availability of zero-nutrient beverages such as carbonated sodas,
sweetened juices and caffeine-laden “sports” drinks. According to a
recent study published in The Lancet, a leading medical journal in the
United Kingdom, children (and adults) who consume these beverages are at
a greater risk for developing obesity. If you are a parent of young
children, it’s important to know that a recent Harvard University study
concluded that the odds of becoming obese increases 1.6 times for every
can, bottle or glass of sugary beverage consumed daily.
Remember it has been determined that one-third of our
children born since the year 2000 will become diabetic. What is
shocking about this statistic is over 90% of type2 diabetes is
attributed to habits and forms of behavior that are knowingly high risk
and therefore preventable through low risk behavior and healthy
lifestyle habits as discussed in this brochure.
Also remember that diabetes is a horrible disease
accounting for nearly 73,000 deaths in America alone and with the
potential and probable long-term ramifications being loss of sensation,
eyesight, stroke, heart disease and at times amputation of limbs and
kidney failure. They have even discovered a connection between Diabetes
and Alzheimer’s disease. This is not a disease that we, as good
parents, intentionally inflict upon our children. When we don’t take
control of the dietary habits within our own households, we leave not
only ourselves but our children vulnerable to this disease and other
hazards of accelerated aging. The difference between our generation and
younger generations is that their aging process will be so severely
accelerated that they are estimated to be the first generation that will
not live as long as their parents. Is this really the legacy that we
wish to leave for our children—an inheritance of disease and early
Choose Health And Lose That Belly Fat Forever!
Start by making simple changes one or 2 changes per week will create a
new you in just a few months. If you need help, simply call us and
work with one of our certified coaches. Avoid falling prey to these
daunting statistics by taking some simple actions. First, remember that
in your own home you determine the quality of food and drinks that are
available to everyone to consume. Instead of having sugary beverages in
the kitchen, offer filtered water to your family. When your children
are thirsty, they will drink what is available, and if only water is
available, that is what they will reach for.
Have some bowls of chopped carrots, celery, broccoli or whole fruit on the counter and
you will be amazed at the little fingers that will grab it each time
they walk by, so will you! Try it . . . it really does work, and soon
yours and your child’s taste buds will be programmed to enjoy healthy
I find it interesting when I hear parents say that their
child will not eat vegetables or will only drink soda. It amazes me
because I have yet to see a three-year-old jump in the car and go to the
store to buy his or her groceries! As adults, it is our job to set an
example for our children. They may be little people, but just like all
other humans, children’s bodies are designed to eat when they are hungry
and drink when they are thirsty. Our job is to ensure that they have
healthy foods within easy reach whenever they are hungry or thirsty.
It is important to make sure the quality of the water
you drink is clean and pure. Recently while traveling with my mother, I
was purchasing high-quality filtered water when she said to me, “You
know, Kath, we live in America. You can drink the water.” I laughed
because I begged to differ. In fact, several times a year I give
presentations about the devastating effects of environmental toxins on
our health. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC),
perchlorate (a solid rocket fuel chemical that interferes with thyroid
and brain development in children) has been found in our water.
Pharmaceuticals that we flush or eliminate through our urine also end
up in our drinking water, not to mention fluoride and a host of other
pollutants. Trust me; America’s water supply is not as safe as you may
like to believe.
You can, in moderation, mix things up with limited
amounts of fruit juice, preferable who and with the pulp. Here’s the
deal, sugar feeds the bad bacteria, yeast and candida in your
intestines. Fiber feeds the good bacteria in your intestines. Over 70%
of your immune response comes from your intestines so the healthier
your gut, the healthier your body.
Keep in mind that it takes approximately five apples to
make a glass of apple juice. How long would it take you to eat five
apples? Quite a long time, and you would be getting all of the natural
fiber that the Creator put in there to slow down that blood sugar
absorption. On the other hand, it takes only minutes to drink the glass
of juice. We no longer have the fiber present, and it will spike our
blood sugar and feed the bad guys in your intestinal tract. (Remember,
spiking blood sugar is what begins the downward spiral of insulin
resistance.) My suggestion is that you dilute your fruit juices that
are not whole, with an equal amount of water and have it as a treat.
Unfortunately, even healthy drinks such as green tea do
not substitute for our necessary water intake. They are good and have
health benefits, but only water is water, so enjoy it abundantly. I
always tell my patients, “If you wouldn’t shower in it to clean your
body on the outside, don’t expect it to clean your body on the inside.”
Adding lemon or slices of fruit to your water can enhance its flavor,
and it looks so refreshing. Lemon has an extra cleansing benefit, as
Jim, age 55 is a perfect example of unchecked
metabolic syndrome. When Jim entered our office, he was a broken
man—depressed, anxious, moody and unable to sleep. He was overweight,
constantly fatigued and suffered from pain in his chest, muscles and
joints. Jim had all of signs of metabolic syndrome: high cholesterol,
high blood pressure, and an unhealthy waist-to-hip ratio. He had
already had a heart attack and two stents, and was taking multiple
medications—from Neurotin to Lipitor to Vicodin. If we didn’t get Jim’s
metabolic syndrome under control, his future health picture would be
Jim began the Fit, Fun and Fabulous program weighing
238 pounds; his body fat percentage was 25.7, or 65.8 pounds of fat,
which is essentially inflammatory tissue. Less than a month into the
program, Jim had 18 pounds of weight loss, some of which was water
weight due to the toxicity load on his body, but nine pounds of which
was fat. Within nine months, he had lost 47 pounds—nearly 20 pounds of
it was fat tissue—and was down to 23 percent body fat. Jim’s
intracellular water now exceeded his extracellular water, indicating a
great decrease in toxicity. But most importantly, Jim was feeling young
again. He was able to begin exercising regularly with very little
discomfort. Now, Jim has much more energy and vitality than he ever
thought possible. Looking back, he clearly sees how metabolic syndrome
was stealing his good health.
To recap the perils of metabolic syndrome, it is characterized by the following indicators, which accelerate the aging process:
- High blood pressure
- Abnormal cholesterol metabolism
- High triglycerides
- High insulin levels
- Increased body fat
- Increased waist-to-hip ratio
- Decreased muscle mass
- Decreased strength
You can begin today to make better choices with your
food, drinks and the frequency of your meals that will work towards
balancing your blood sugar, thereby moving you away from metabolic
syndrome . . . not just for yourself, but also for those you love.
If you would like to begin a program, would like to know more about
medical foods or would like some coaching support, please visit http://drkathleenhartford.com/services/about-fit-fun-and-fabulous/
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