Friday, August 17, 2012

Experienced Weight Lifting Exercises

Have you ever felt that you have been training for a long time without any considerable muscle gain, that you have hit a plateau? Read on and you'll understand what is lacking in your weightlifting exercises. It is time to upgrade your program to experienced weightlifting exercises which focus on developing each and every part of a muscle group. To successfully follow experienced weightlifting exercises, you need to have a well balanced physique and strong muscles. The workout schedule that follows is meant only for experienced weightlifters.
Experienced weightlifting exercises are split into a morning schedule and afternoon schedule. You work six days in a week, resting for just a single day. Here is a list of training techniques that will put your muscles into overdrive and accelerate growth.
  • Supersets - two exercises are performed in a row without any rest between them. This increases the load intensity and shortens workout time.
  • Triple set - here you will have to perform three exercises in a row without rest.
  • Giant sets - Four sets of exercises are performed in a row without taking any rest.
  • Cheating reps - once you reach failure point, use momentum or secondary muscles to add additional reps.
  • Forced reps - after you reach failure point, have your trainer or your partner help you in completing additional reps.
  • Partial reps - after you reach your limit, continue doing partial reps.
  • Rest-pause - perform the maximum amount of reps possible, rest for a few seconds and then try to do additional reps.
  • 21s - Split your reps into upper range of movement and lower range of movement, and do maximum amount of reps possible.
  • Peak contraction - try to flex the muscle while doing a set.
  • Drop sets - do maximum amount of reps per set, while reducing the weight in each set.
Increase your sets per exercise to four and your reps till point of failure. Rest for 60 to 90 seconds between sets to ensure the muscle recovery. Because you are working with heavyweights keep your back firm throughout the workout. Maintain good posture, pull your shoulder back and push your chest out. Strengthen your core body by properly training your spinal muscles and your abdominal muscles. Use exercise aids like gloves, straps and belts while performing weightlifting exercises.
Pre-workout stretching and warm up exercises are very important to decrease the risk of injury during your weightlifting routine.
Split your weightlifting exercises. Do the first set of muscles during the morning workout and the second set during your afternoon workout schedule.
  • Monday - chest, arms, cardio exercises.
  • Tuesday - back, shoulders.
  • Wednesday - legs, abs, neck.
  • Thursday - chest, arms, cardio.
  • Friday - back, shoulders.
  • Saturday - legs, abs, neck.
  • Sunday - take a rest.
Let's now look into some of the best and recommended weightlifting exercises.
  1. Chest: incline barbell bench press, flat barbell bench press, incline dumbbell flyers, flat dumbbell flyers, standing cable crossovers.
  2. Biceps: standing EZ-bar curls, standing dumbbell curls, concentration curls.
  3. Tricepslying EZ-bar triceps extension, seated EZ-bar triceps extension, triceps push downs. Triceps and biceps exercises can be alternated so that you get supersets.
  4. Back: wide grip Lat pull downs, close grip Lat pull downs, barbell rows, seated cable rows, dead lift, hyper extensions.
  5. Shoulders: barbell military press, standing lateral raises, reverse fly, Barbell shrugs, dumbbell shrugs.
  6. Legs (quadriceps)standing leg extension, leg presses, Barbell squats.
  7. Legs (hamstrings): standing leg curls, seated leg curls, barbell squats, standing calf raises, leg press toe races, seated calf raises.
  8. Neck: standing neck resistance, seated neck resistance.
  9. Abs: crunchers, hanging leg raises.
Even if you are an experienced weightlifter, you can experience injuries during these workout sessions. If you experience pain or any other difficulties during your weight lifting exercises, stop training immediately and consult your trainer or your personal doctor.

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