Thursday, August 16, 2012

Stress: The Unseen Killer

stressWe all understand that acute, brief increases in stress levels will manifest themselves physiologically in elevated heart rate, breathing and blood pressure as well as increased production of cortisol. Short-term, the body can deal with these momentary surges. On the other hand, long-term, chronic stress can lead directly to disease states and increased mortality. While most people are resilient and can deal with a major stress event or two each year, long-term, even moderate stress over time can have devastating effects, many of which affect unseen or hidden aspects of our physiology.
A new study concludes, for example, that men who experience persistently moderate to high levels of stressful life events over a number of years have a 50 percent higher mortality rate. In this study, those in the low stress group experienced an average of two or fewer major life events in a year, compared with an average of 3 for the moderate group and up to 6 for the high stress group. One of the study's most surprising findings was that the mortality risk was similar for the moderate versus high stress group. Life-affecting events include divorce, death and major illness for instance.
Stress and epigenetics
While the above may not seem earth-shattering, perhaps the prospect of the stress you experience possibly affecting future generations may. While I have blogged about epigenetics in the past, stress can now be considered as an epigenetic factor. To redefine, epigenetics mean changes in genetic expression that are not caused by actual changes in DNA sequencing. In other words, genes are very active and respond to many environmental factors including toxins, stress and diet for example. These environmental forces can cause genes to “switch on and off,” regulating gene expression and consequently having phenotypic effects.
In a fascinating new study, researchers found that the progeny of mice, primarily the males, exposed to chronic stress were astoundingly affected phenotypically and hormonally with dysmasculinization characteristics very apparent. The results suggest exposure to stress during early pregnancy can lead to long-term changes in offspring that can be passed across generations.
In a similar study, researchers investigated paternal effects and found that male mice exposed to chronic stress pass those stress behaviors along to their offspring. Both their male and female progeny showed increased depression and anxiety-like behaviors, although the effects were again stronger in males.
The link to hypertension
While this result is alarming enough, stress manifests itself physiologically in a number of ways. For example, a recent study elaborated on possible mechanisms that contribute to progression of hypertension. The study detailed how stress-induced T-cell activation increased hypertension, suggesting a relation between a stress-induced inflammatory response and the immune system.
Stress and the brain
Additionally, another study has shown that repeated stress triggers the production and accumulation of insoluble tau protein aggregates inside the brain cells of mice. These aggregates are similar to neurofibrillary tangles, the modified protein structures that are one of the physiological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease.  Additionally, the chronic production of cortisol will also impact those with a genetic predisposition to Alzheimer’s to a greater degree than those genetically predisposed who experience low levels of stress.
describe the imageAnother unseen effect of stress is shortening of telomeres. Telomeres are protective caps on the ends of chromosomes and are now considered indicators of aging, as they naturally shorten over time. Both stress and depression have repeatedly been linked with premature telomere shortening and consequently premature aging.
Finally, breast tumor aggressiveness has also been associated with high levels of stress, although there is a racial bias with black and Hispanics demonstrating higher levels of stress and more aggressive breast tumors.
While it’s well known how impactful chronic stress can be on human physiology, the levels to which it can negatively alter so many aspects of our biochemistry, morphology and cellular physiology are truly astounding and insightful.
by Michael Fuhrman D.C.

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