What You Won’t Hear from Your Doctor
If you suffer from Lyme,
Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson’s you’re probably doing everything you
can to eat healthy, reduce stress, maybe even drink green drinks or take
supplements. But you might be hurting your efforts to get well by not
paying attention to the harmful effects of the products you use at home.
The single most critical thing you need to know is that everything you
eat, put on your skin and surround yourself with impacts your health and
well-being…in ways that may surprise you.
In You…
Take the artificial sweetener aspartame, for example. It’s a synthetic chemical found in NutraSweet, Equal, Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi, as well as sugar-free gums, candies, yogurts, breakfast cereals, and hundreds of other products that kids and adults eat (like sugar-free Kool-Aid, Jell-O pudding and some Popsicles). There now appears to be a link between brain lesions found in MS patients and aspartame.
The book “While Science Sleeps,” an analysis of the medical and scientific literature written by food scientist Dr. Woodrow Monte, Ph.D., reveals that MS symptoms are identical to those of methanol poisoning. Dr. Monte says that individuals who have been exposed to this poison over a long period of time, in fact, develop MS. “Dietary methanol may be the root cause of MS and possibly other diseases,” he says, and advises people to avoid aspartame “as if it were a matter of life or death.”
On You…
What you’re cleaning your body and your home with may actually cause more harm than good, especially if you have chronic illness. Many Lyme Disease patients become chronically ill and are plagued with persistent infections. They then become hyper vigilant about making sure they steer clear of germs. “One way Lyme patients try to stay healthy is to constantly disinfect their homes using antibacterial cleaning products, but ironically, these can burden an already compromised immune system,” says Dana Walsh, who was featured in the documentary film “Under Our Skin,” and has successfully recovered from Lyme by adopting a holistic and toxic free lifestyle. “So much money is spent on protocols for healing, but detoxing the home environment is simple and affordable, with the longest lasting impact,” she added.
Dana, along with her partner Brent Martin, is producing a free telesummit series September 18-20 addressing Lyme and chronic illness, which is on the rise. (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently announced that 300,000 Americans are getting Lyme every year, and the toll is growing.)
Surrounds You…
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, one of several experts featured on the summit, will address electromagnetic fields (EMF radiation), and its impact on chronic disease. Shielding patients from EMFs “has been a more successful strategy to treating Lyme disease and to get people neurologically well than any of the antibiotics or any of the antimicrobial compounds,” said Dr. Klinghardt, who will be talking in depth about this on the Lyme web summit.
In You…
Take the artificial sweetener aspartame, for example. It’s a synthetic chemical found in NutraSweet, Equal, Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi, as well as sugar-free gums, candies, yogurts, breakfast cereals, and hundreds of other products that kids and adults eat (like sugar-free Kool-Aid, Jell-O pudding and some Popsicles). There now appears to be a link between brain lesions found in MS patients and aspartame.
The book “While Science Sleeps,” an analysis of the medical and scientific literature written by food scientist Dr. Woodrow Monte, Ph.D., reveals that MS symptoms are identical to those of methanol poisoning. Dr. Monte says that individuals who have been exposed to this poison over a long period of time, in fact, develop MS. “Dietary methanol may be the root cause of MS and possibly other diseases,” he says, and advises people to avoid aspartame “as if it were a matter of life or death.”
On You…
What you’re cleaning your body and your home with may actually cause more harm than good, especially if you have chronic illness. Many Lyme Disease patients become chronically ill and are plagued with persistent infections. They then become hyper vigilant about making sure they steer clear of germs. “One way Lyme patients try to stay healthy is to constantly disinfect their homes using antibacterial cleaning products, but ironically, these can burden an already compromised immune system,” says Dana Walsh, who was featured in the documentary film “Under Our Skin,” and has successfully recovered from Lyme by adopting a holistic and toxic free lifestyle. “So much money is spent on protocols for healing, but detoxing the home environment is simple and affordable, with the longest lasting impact,” she added.
Dana, along with her partner Brent Martin, is producing a free telesummit series September 18-20 addressing Lyme and chronic illness, which is on the rise. (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently announced that 300,000 Americans are getting Lyme every year, and the toll is growing.)
Surrounds You…
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, one of several experts featured on the summit, will address electromagnetic fields (EMF radiation), and its impact on chronic disease. Shielding patients from EMFs “has been a more successful strategy to treating Lyme disease and to get people neurologically well than any of the antibiotics or any of the antimicrobial compounds,” said Dr. Klinghardt, who will be talking in depth about this on the Lyme web summit.
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