Monday, May 7, 2012

Learn to lift for a stronger life

Up to now, I've write about Health and Wellness issues. So today I'm going to write a little about why I believe that everyone, if fortunate enough, should learn how to exercise and lift weights at a young age and continue as we age. I joined a gym at the age of thirteen for sports related purposes. I was shown what to do once and that's it. As time went by, I really started to enjoy the feeling that I got after I had finished a workout. Within two months I was hooked. At that point I started to read about what exercises were necessary to do to achieve my goal of getting stronger, faster, and bigger. I read, then watched and listened to other individuals that seemed to want to achieve the same goals as I had. Year after year, Through trail and error, experimentation, college degree's, and continuing education courses, I can honestly say to anyone that I am a complete health care advocate. The changes in my body that have happened over 35 years are unbelievable. I'm stronger now at 47 then when I was 26 years old. I'm living proof that a smart efficient well planned weight resistance program works.  

That being said, I have one true belief, EVERYONE NEEDS TO LEARN HOW TO LIFT WEIGHTS. I am a true bodybuilding and strength athlete. Ask any one of my clients, they all have different goals but I train them all the same way, within their capable limits, compound exercise movements that meet their daily functional needs to sustain and gain strength, 13 years of age or 70 years of age, it doesn't matter. All I do is adjust what we do according to there physical limitations at that time, and then I put together a plan to help them exceed their expectations and goals.    

Here's a great example of why we need weight training. Did you ever see those gym members that all they do is cardio? Did you ever stop and see how they look year after year, they get  heavier, (  because they think they can eat what they want because they do cardio ),  their skin seems to be sailing in the wind, and they have trouble lifting a 5 lbs. dumbbell. Cardio tears your muscles down. Weight training helps keep muscle, burns fat, and keeps your skin tight. I don't know about you, but the heck if I'm going to have no muscle and sagging skin when I'm 65 years old.

Teaching young teens how to lift weights safely and properly is a very important issue that society seems to care less about. To me, its a tragic mistake that leads into a disease filled lifestyle that only lines the pockets of pharmaceutical companies.

Learn how to lift, look good as w age, stay strong to be able to live independently.

 See past posts on this subject matter also 

Be safe, be fit, be happy.       Train with Wayne

( Coming soon: how to get big and strong program for young adults )


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