Monday, February 3, 2014

Good Health is Not Found in a Laboratory


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Most people believe they can supplement a lousy diet with vitamins and these daily pills will keep them healthy and protect them from getting sick. Unfortunately, that couldn’t be further from the truth. The fact is, 99% of vitamin supplements on the market are synthetic chemicals created in a lab. They don’t protect but actually contribute to disease. For example, let’s look at the number one selling supplement in the world, vitamin C. It’s been touted as the “cure all” vitamin, able to boost your immune system and prevent everything from the common cold to cancer. Don’t be fooled by the hype. Research from Mt Sinai School of Medicine shows that taking only 500 mg per day of vitamin C can cause genetic damage to your genes and your offspring. Ironically, some experts say at the first sign of a cold or sore throat you should “Double up on your vitamin C.” Great! Damage your cells when you are sick and at your most vulnerable. Not such good advice, if you ask me.

Synthetic Recipe for Disaster

Unlike the healthy form of vitamin C which is naturally present in berries and citrus fruits, vitamin C in supplement form (aka ascorbic acid) is created in a laboratory using a concoction of toxic chemicals. The recipe for ascorbic acid includes acetone (also used in nail polish remover) and perchloric acid (also used to make rocket fuels and explosives)! These poisonous ingredients are filtered out and then benzene is added (a chemical also used to make gasoline)! Next caustic bleach and toluene is added (a poisonous solvent used in glues and paints). That’s how vitamin C supplements are made, in a laboratory, not by Mother Nature. If you want vitamin C that’s good for you, eat oranges, strawberries, grapefruits and bell peppers.

Let’s look at another popular supplement, vitamin E. We are told this powerful antioxidant supports the brain, protects the heart, reproductive and respiratory systems. But all of this comes at a price – death! That’s right. Researchers at Johns Hopkins found vitamin E supplements, in excess of 400 IU, are associated with a higher overall risk of dying! This was the conclusion after a double blind study was performed on more than 136,000 subjects. An increased risk of mortality was noted when people took between 400-800 IU, which just so happens to be the amount of vitamin E found in most vitamin supplements! Another study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that vitamin E supplements caused an increased risk of prostate cancer among healthy men taking just 400 IU per day. The Journal of Natural Medicine published findings showing an increased risk of osteoporosis (thinning bones) from vitamin E supplementation. How can a vitamin supplement be so dangerous? These dangers come from taking the unnatural form of vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopherol). Whole food sources of vitamin E are good for you, prevent disease and have no negative side effects. These natural vitamin E sources include: wheat germ, corn, nuts, seeds, olives, spinach, asparagus and other green leafy vegetables. The human body was not created in a laboratory, and neither should our nutritional supplements.

Next time you think of reaching for a vitamin bottle, remember: there is no substitute for natural whole food nutrition!

Article Written by: Dr. David Friedman, B.S.,N.D.,D.C.

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