Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Awesome Benefits Of Kale

What’s so good about Kale?

Kale contains an excellent source of calcium for strong bones and teeth, and it also is very beneficial to eye health. It has an awesome source of Lutein and Zeaxanthin, they play an important role in helping to keep your retina and lens in check and away from any type of oxidative type of damage.

Kale is a nutrient dense food.

Kale has a great source of Vitamin K which is great for our bones, that will help to keep them healthy.

Kale has a ton of Vitamin C, and as we all know it’s excellent for immunity and can give you some good energy.

Kale can help lower cholesterol levels. The fiber fiber in kale binds bile acids and helps lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. It’s best when kale is cooked instead of raw. Kale also plays a significant role in heart health, you need your heart to stay alive, so it would make perfect sense to eat Kale for this benefit alone.

Kale is rich in organosulfur compounds which are known to figh cancer, especially colon cancer.

Kale is a detox food. It’s filled with fiber and sulfur which are great for detoxifying your body and keeping your liver healthy.

Kale is a low calorie food. A cup of chopped kale has only 33 calories. Great for weight loss!

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