Monday, November 26, 2012

alkalinity maintains a healthier life!

Acid/Alkaline Food Chart

How alkalinity rid the body of toxic waste and maintains a healthier life!

When asked what the number one cause of death is worldwide, most will likely answer; Heart disease, Cancer, Type 2 Diabetes or Obesity. Every one of these answers will be right. No matter what the name of the illness is, all human diseases originate from the same root cause – too much acid waste in the body!
With every action in the living body where energy is created or expended, in other words metabolic or physical, acid waste is formed and must be neutralized and/or eliminated as soon as possible, to avoid acid burns and damage to the vital organs and systems.   Too much acid in the body creates an environment, which favours the decomposition of living things, and weakens all body systems, allowing disease to thrive. In order to maintain a healthy body that can fight off disease and function optimally, we must maintain adequate alkaline reserves to neutralize excess acid accumulation in the body.
The acid/alkaline range is measured on the pH scale (parts Hydrogen), from 0 to 14 respectively. The human body’s pH is around 7.4 on the pH scale. To give you an idea of just how serious over acidity is for our health, every one-point drop on the pH scale increases the body’s acidity 10-fold. That’s a 100,000 increase in acidity from 7.0 – 2.0, which is about the difference between drinking purified water, and a carbonated soft (soda) drink.
If you can imagine acidic particles much like shrapnel, you can see the danger of having acidic pH levels, along with high cholesterol and other fatty substances within the blood. Hardening of the blood vessels occurs when sharp acidic particles cause scratches and bumps on the inside walls of the arteries and veins, which the fatty plaques are able to stick to, triggering the onset of atherosclerosis, a form of cardiovascular disease. Due to this build up, the arteries become narrowed and fatty plaques that ‘bandaged’ the tears and scratches created by the acidic particles, become detached from the walls, and potentially increase the risk of blocked arteries, heart attacks and strokes.
With an estimated one third of all cancers being attributed to poor nutrition, and over half a million deaths a year preventable through a change of diet alone, how does over acidity threaten the onset of one of the main causes of death in both men and women? Well, the acidic waste thickens the blood to the point where it cannot carry the quantity of nutrients and oxygen the organs need to function efficiently. When the cell is deprived of oxygen and the amino acids that they require for repair and regeneration, they either die and turn into acidic waste, or due to ‘survival-of-the-fittest’, they adapt to their new, deprived environment by becoming cancerous, allowing it to survive by multiplying continually to grab the few available nutrients. Normal cells that become deprived of the nutrients by rapidly multiplying cancer cells stop dividing and die.
Eating good, clean food in the right quantities throughout the day, can keep your metabolism running high (think of your metabolism as your fat burning furnace), and your energy levels constant. However, eating foods with a high (alkaline) pH to ensure you maintain an alkaline balance is perhaps just as important. The efficiency that a cell carries out its metabolic activities is determined by the nourishment it receives. In comparison, a car engine will only perform as well as the grade of fuel that you put in it.
Cells not only die because of lack of nourishment and oxygen from thickened acidic blood, but also from being poisoned by chemical additives. Another reason to always try to eat organic and natural foods in their original source (not processed or modified by man).
 Nutrient Timing refers to the amount of nutrients needed by the body to function optimally, without leaving leftover waste, and overloading the body with excess calories  that are then stored as fat. During the day the body digests and absorbs food quickly, but in the evening and at night these processes slow down, causing blood to flow more slowly, meaning the fat particles are more likely to remain undigested and turn into acidic waste. These find their way into the blood and can block the transport of insulin from the pancreas. The lack of insulin in the blood, or insulin resistance, means that the blood sugar does not get processed properly. The blood sugar levels become elevated and produce diabetic symptoms.
Aside from water, there is much more fat in the body than any other substance, and I’m not just talking about the fatty tissue beneath our skin that so many of us struggle to lose year after year. The surrounding of each and every cell in our bodies is made up almost entirely of fatty acids. The combination of fatty acids and amino acids plays a vital role in energy production, forming a membrane around the red blood cells through which oxygen gains entry into the cell.

Fast food and high-sugared foods are not the only culprits in the fight against obesity!

Way before we had the ‘convenience’ or fast foods, and processed foods, there was another culprit to weight gain. Heat! Cooking destroys many of the enzymes in foods that prevent obesity, as without them there is nothing to prevent too many nutrients from being absorbed into the body.  So what the body doesn’t need, or can’t use at the time, is either stored in fat cells or turned into toxic acidic waste, which can be converted to cholesterol and lactic acid. Blood loaded with acidic waste circulates the body and clogs organ systems, slowing down metabolism, causing less food to be burned up. This manifest itself in the unexplained lethargy and general fatigue, so many people experience.
When it comes to change, even the most head strong people can still fall short, and not through lack of commitment, but more so due to lack of knowledge. We may not have much control over external or environmental causes of toxic waste, such as pollutants or even stress, but we do have absolute control over what we put into our bodies, and so it is that nutrition that will be your armoury in the fight against ridding your body of acidic waste.
Following, are the food categories, highlighting the most alkaline options to the most acidic options. You should limit the foods towards the acid side of the table, and increase consumption of the alkaline foods. It’s worth noting here that a food’s acidic or alkaline-forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the food itself.
  Alkaline/Acid Food Chart
Food Category
Most Alkaline
Lowest Alkaline
Lowest Acid
Most Acid
Maple/Rice Syrup
Raw Honey
Processed Honey
White/brown sugar
Artificial Sweeteners
Watermelon, Grapefruit, papayas, Lemons
Dates, Blueberries, Apples, Pears
Bananas, Cherries, Oranges, Avocados
Processed fruit juices
Blackberries, Cranberries, Prunes
Asparagus, Raw Spinach, Onions
Green beans, okra, Celery
Carrots, Mushrooms, Tomatoes
String Beans, Cooked Spinach
Most Beans

Nuts & Seeds

Most Seeds
Pecans, Cashews
Peanuts, Walnuts
Oils & Spices
Olive Oil,
Flax Seed Oil, Cayenne Pepper
Canola Oil
Corn Oil

Gains & Cereals

Millet, Wild Rice, Quinoa
Sprouted  Wheat Bread, Spelt, Rice
White Rice, Corn, Oats, Rye
Wheat, White Flour, Pastries, Pasta

Venison, Cold Water Fish
Turkey, Chicken, Lamb
Beef, Pork, Shellfish

Soy, Goat Milk, Whey
Eggs, Butter, Yoghurt, Cottage Cheese
Raw Milk
Cheese, Ice Cream
Herb Teas, Lemon Water,
Purified water
Green Tea
Ginger Tea
Beer, Carbonated Drinks
Most people will think of citrus fruits such as lemons and grapefruits to be acidic.  However, the end-products they produce after digestion and assimilation are very alkaline, so lemons are alkaline-forming in the body. Likewise, meat will test alkaline before digestion but as with most animal products, meat is very acid-forming, leaving an acidic residue in the body. It’s also worth noting here that the fresher the food the higher its alkalinity values. Cooking, freezing or canning foods increases their acid-forming potential.
Stay away from foods grown with chemicals, processed with preservatives or prepared with sugar, as these are all acid-forming also.

 Beneficial Food Types

Honey (Providing it’s the thick, raw, unfiltered honey that’s opaque in colour), contains high levels of the starch-digesting enzyme amylase, and is truly a super food, especially Royal Jelly, which the worker bee’s feed to the queen bee to extend her life span from a few weeks to as long as ten years.
 Fibre-rich foods help prevent many degenerative diseases by binding with the stomach’s acid so that it cannot damage the lining of the intestinal walls. Green, raw leafy vegetables are beneficial not only for their vitamin and mineral content, but also because they reduce the hyperacidity in all the organs of the body. Potatoes when cooked so as still slightly raw, act as an appetite suppressant, but also contains high levels of glue-like substances called mucilage, which helps the enzymes in the stomach break down the food mass.
The fact is that many vegetables are effective cleansers of the body’s acidic wastes, especially when juiced. The juice of carrots and beets, with their high percentage of acid-forming sulphur and phosphorus, effectively clean out the acidic wastes from the liver, kidneys, and bladder.
 Nuts Cooking, smoking or roasting any nuts will increase their acid-forming properties, so always enjoy nuts and seeds in the raw, unbleached form.
 Cayenne Pepper - Stimulate good digestions, including the breakdown of fats. It’s also a good overall body tonic that can help reduce inflammation.
  All meats (including fish and fowl), rob the body of minerals that neutralize the acidity, with one of the places that it will take the minerals from being our bones.
 Liquids - To really put things into perspective when it comes to neutralizing acidic waste, it takes 32 x 300ml (10oz) glasses of alkaline water to neutralize the acid from one 375ml (12oz) can of carbonated soft drink. For each acid-forming beverage that you consume, your body uses its own buffers, stripping bones, tendons and muscles of calcium and other alkaline minerals, to raise the body’s alkalinity and to maintain a healthy blood pH level of 7.35 – 7.45.
Purified/Enriched Water - Public tap water, and even drinking water in our homes, have been shown to still be contaminated with pharmaceutical drugs, hormones, and bacteria – all acidifying and toxic.
Click here to learn what all the benefits of drinking enhanced water are.
Our bodies lose anywhere up to 2.5 litres (approx. 85 ounces) of water every day just through normal bodily functions. You lose water through urination, respiration, and perspiration. If you are physically active, you’ll require even more water. A sign of thirst is your body’s way of saying you’re already dehydrated.
Symptoms of mild-dehydration include chronic pains in joints and muscles, lower back pain, headaches, and constipation. A strong odour to your urine, along with a dark yellow colour is a clear sign than you’re not getting enough water. The higher the pH of water, the greater ability you have of hydrating your body. Alkalized water contains higher levels of ionic minerals such as calcium, and magnesium, allowing them to be absorbed quickly and easily by your body.
As I’m sure you’ve seen over the past few years, companies are fast catching on to the benefits of purified and reconstructed bottled water, with well-known soft drinks and sports drinks now all launching their own special, and ‘unique’ enriched water, each one seemingly better than the last, and whilst these may well help balance your bodies acid/alkaline levels, ridding your body of acidic toxic waste, you may soon see the cost of living acidic free to be an increasing stress, and emotional stress initiates intestinal infections and inflammatory disorders due to acidifying the blood.

Here are my 7 Simple steps to restoring pH balance in the body.

 Make sure you drink enough enriched water - To determine the very least amount of water that you need to drink, take your body weight in Kg and multiply that by 30. This is how many milliliters of water you need to drink each day. This excludes all other drinks such as Coffee and Tea. Should you prefer the Imperial system, you divide your body weight in pounds (Lbs.) by 2. This is how many ounces of water you need per day.
 Drink at regular Intervals
Just a 1-2% drop in body water can impair your mental focus and physical performance, as well as slowing down your metabolism. Exercise causes you to lose vital electrolytes that are critical for nerve impulses and muscle contractions, so being able to quickly replenish these is essential for peak performance.
 Supplement – Take a multi-enzyme supplement with every meal along with at least 500ml of enhanced water.
 Add variety – Aim for including plenty of alkaline forming vegetables in your diet.
 The 80/20 ruleDisease and illness thrive in an acidic environment but can’t survive in an alkaline environment. 80% of your diet should come from alkaline promoting food groups.
 Breathe – Stress is one of the most significant causes of acidic conditions in your body. Put some time aside each day to breathe deeply.

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