Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Fiber: 30% more keeps fat away

A recent study from the American Dietetic Association revealed that even though two groups of individuals ate the same amount of calories, individuals who at 30% more of one particular nutrient sported low levels of body fat while the other group was clinically overweight and/or obese. Ouch!

What's this magical nutrient? Well, it's found in foods like:

Sweet Potatoes
Brown Rice
Sprouted Grain Bread

And a ton of other foods...

The nutrient is fiber, and I highly suggest getting your fair share (~30 grams a day) 'cause it packs a ton of benefits like:

**slowing digestion and gastric emptying to support stable blood sugar levels and decreased insulin output (this means more fat loss)

**signaling the release of hunger crushing hormones supporting feelings of fullness and appetite control

**promoting weight control independent of calorie intake (as the ADA study revealed)

Basically, it's one of those super nutrients that you should be aiming to consume with every meal, and it's found in abundance in most fruits, vegetables, and whole grains...so stock up, and eat up!

Want to learn 5 "forbidden" foods that have been proven to actually have a direct effect on fat loss? I show you them, along with a bunch of other flab-burning foods, right here at this link:

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