Thursday, July 12, 2012

Weight loss with Fasting to help Food Addictions

Food addictions lead to a vicious cycle of mental and emotional unhappiness and possibly serious disease. The goal of this article is to introduce an ancient type of self-help method for healing and rejuvenation. 

Juice fasting is commonly used as a mild and effective cleansing plan. Fresh juices are easily assimilated and require minimum digestion, while they supply many nutrients and stimulate our body to clear its wastes. Juice fasting is also safer than water fasting, because it supports the body nutritionally while cleansing and probably even produces a better detoxification and quicker recovery (Haas, 1992).

My experience as a therapist working with hundreds of people over the past 25 years, teaching holistic practices of juice fasting, colon hydrotherapy, raw organic foods, yoga, massage, energy healing, meditation and more, has impressed upon me the magnitude of these gentle healing modalities. Having utilized these methods to completely heal myself of cancer 30 years ago, I know firsthand their positive effect on reversing many chronic diseases and even more serious than those. Please read about my story at .

A well architected juice fasting program can re-educate your mind, your body and your spirit, while helping you to feel focused and positive. Incorporating other natural methods will support the process as well.

There are some contraindications to juice fasting. If you are suffering from any serious condition or disease requiring the monitoring of a physician, juice fasting is not advised. Pregnant or nursing mothers may not fast, nor may the extremely malnourished children under 18. If you have more than 40 pounds of excess weight, whether you are on any medication or not, you will need to speak with your MD to determine whether a short juice fast will be safe for you.

Ideally, to have the most success, I recommend a pre-fast preparation of just eating light soups, raw organic fruits and vegetables and drinking fresh juices for two weeks before the actual fasting week, and then a return to that pre-fast program afterward. A program such as this can be done safely a few times per year. Expect to lose some weight, about a pound per day.

There are many types of fasts and different lengths. Choosing the right type will come about from your own research and/or the advice of a professional. Some fasts are easier than others. I personally find that shorter fasts (one to three days) are more difficult, since once you get past the third day, the process gets easier.

If you are going to juice fast, the first thing you need is a juicer. I recommend the Champion juicer, which runs about $200 to $250. For a higher end juicer that will also juice wheat grass, you will need The Green Star which is in the $450 range. If you absolutely can’t afford either of these, then I recommend The Breville Juice Fountain Plus for $150.

Now you will need to locate a source of organically grown fruits and vegetables. Choose a variety. (See some recipes on You will receive a balanced array of vitamins and minerals. No vitamin supplements will be necessary during your fast as you will be loaded with fresh natural vitamins. You should dilute your juices with steam distilled or purified water. Drink 8 to 12 ounces of the juice and water every two or three hours. In between the juices drink water, tea and broth homemade from vegetables. Juices need to be prepared fresh since they lose their enzymes (life force) within 10 minutes of preparation. If you must go to work, and can’t do that, then prepare the juice in the morning and refrigerate.

An important part of your fast is colon cleansing. When you stop taking in solid food there is nothing to push out the food which is already in your colon. It therefore putrefies and adds even more toxicity to your system. The best way to accomplish this is to make an appointment with a colon therapist for the second day of your fast and have a thorough cleansing. As an alternative, you would need to do enemas every day along with Smooth Move tea in the evening.

Between the second and fifth day of your fast, you may encounter a number of disagreeable symptoms such as headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, coated tongue, etc. This represents the release of stored toxins from their intracellular storage space. This is a good, although unpleasant part of the process. When it passes, cleansing is almost complete.

The largest problem you will encounter during your fast will be your addictions to chewing, tasting and the experience of being full of solid food. You will miss these items as an alcoholic misses the bottle. Clear your living space of solid food and always have on hand a plentiful supply of fresh fruits and vegetables from which to make juice.

If you have other major addictions, give them up during the fast; certainly give up tobacco, alcohol and drugs if any of these are in your life. You will be amazed at how high you can get without chemicals. Juice Fasting is a start and must go hand in hand with a natural lifestyle. Enjoy your shift to caring more and more about yourself. You deserve it!

Jill Ayn Schneider is the Director Circle of Life Holistic Programs in Delray Beach, FL; San Diego, CA and Amatlan de CaƱas, Mexico. For more information, visit

Airola, Pavo. (1971). How to Keep Slim, Healthy and Young With Juice Fasting. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Publishing.
Burroughs, Stanley. (1993). The Master Cleanser. Burroughs Books.
Haas, Elson. (1992). Staying Healthy with Nutrition: The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine. Berkeley, CA: Celestial Arts.
Meyerowitz, Steve. (1984). Juice Fasting & Detoxification. Summertown, TN: Book Publishing Company.
Null, Gary. (1992). The Joy of Juicing. New York, NY: Avery.

Thomas, John. (1997). Young Again. San Diego, CA: Promotion Publishing.
Walker, Norman. (1979). Colon Health. Phoenix, Arizona: O’Sullivan Woodside & Co.



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