Saturday, July 14, 2012

Weight loss with food combining system

Food Pairing for Better Health

 food pairing for better health

Nutritionally speaking, foods could bring best health when it is taken with the combination of foods, as recommended by the Nutritionists. They suggest the best combination of some foods for keeping good health. Healthy eating means the intake of choice of best combination of foods for maintaining better health.
Let us discuss some of the best food pairing for better health in the words of Dietician, Dr Sheela Tanna, who told us how to pair foods to unlock its health benefits of its individual constituents.
Whole grains and Onions: whole grains such as brown rice, wheat, barley, maize contain zinc and iron in different quantities, which is easily absorbed by the body with the help of sulphur compounds present in onions. The presence of Vitamin C and anti oxidants in onions facilitates better absorption of iron found in whole grains. Whole grains are also rich in Vitamin E, when combined with Vitamin C, it improve skin health and make it glowing. Cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, peas could also be combined with whole grains.
Turmeric and Salmon: Salmon contain less carbohydrates and rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and protein while turmeric possess anti inflammatory and healing properties. When these two are combined, it slows down aging process, improve the function of nervous system, improve heart health, increase HDL Cholesterol and clear the arteries from bad cholesterol.
Beans and veggies or greens: Beans are rich in iron content and proteins while veggies such as sprouts, spinach, potatoes are rich in Vitamin C which helps to lose weight. Three times of more energy is required to metabolize proteins than fats and carbohydrates. Though foods rich in Vitamin C do not help to lose weight directly, but with the combination of beans it aids for weight loss. The presence of iron in beans helps to absorb Vitamin C in veggies.
Broccoli and mustard; Broccoli is enriched with Vitamin C, antioxidants and sulforaphane, which all act against diabetes and cancer. The compound sulforaphane is better absorbed by the body in the presence of myrosinase, which is enzyme found in mustard. The combinations of these two foods fight bacterial infections of urinary tract, digestive system, colon and excretory system.
Tomato and olive oil; Tomatoes are good source of antioxidants like lycopene and Vitamin C, which reduce the risk of osteoporosis, cataracts, and the effects of aging. Olive oil is enriched with antioxidants that increase the HDL cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby promoting heart health. Lycopene is better absorbed with the combination of olive oil, which also dissolves gall stones and purifies blood. This combination boosts the function of liver, helps for protein synthesis, detoxifies the body and reduces the effects of hypertension.
To conclude, the above cited food pairing could be tried for better health as per the need and according to the health of the individual with the advice of nutritionists to derive its health benefits. However, it is necessary to consult the Doctors or Health Care Professionals or dietitians in case of health disorders, for medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment of the same. It may be noted that the above cited information is only for informative purpose and as such this article should not be treated as an alternative for clinical diagnosis, medical advice and treatment of health disorders.


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