Monday, April 16, 2012

Commit to your health

There are many people out there who have never really been committed to exercise. The main reason could be is that many of us just don't now how to be physical with our bodies. If you were the one who was always picked last for school kickball during recess, or maybe you were bullied, or it might just be that our parents never encouraged us to take care of our bodies and health. Nevertheless, all three can and will have a major impact on how you commit yourself to the lifestyle of health & fitness.

No one ever said it was easy, and still to this day, I also can find many other things to do instead of exercise. But I have to be honest with you also, as much as its a pain in the butt to drag yourself to the gym 4 -5 days a week, THE RESULTS MAKE IT ALL WORTH THE EFFORT.

If your one that feels intimidated, weak, overweight, and unsure what to do and how to go about the process of learning how to be healthy, then ASK for help from a professional who exercises for a living. That's right, there are some of us out there that train people for a living.

I found that the easiest way to learn how to exercise is meet with a trainer and commit yourself to 3 months work with that trainer. There are thousands of ways too exercise and get healthy. Not everyone has too lift HEAVY weights, run 5 miles a day, or for that matter eat like a bird.

Where there's a will there's a way, please don't let your past inexperience stop you from being fit for life.
Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself its time to do something physical and get the right help so you can achieve a particular goal.

All it takes is 21 days to form a new habit, so how about the habit of being healthy. You can do it, never say never, and find a place to start your new habit today. How about spending the time on your health instead of in front of a t.v. or on the computer 10 hours a day.


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