Did you know that every three minutes a woman is
diagnosed with breast cancer? Do you think breast cancer affects women
only? Absolutely not! Men are not exempt from breast cancer.
Estrogen dominant cancers (breast, prostate) are fueled by estrogen, a
hormone produced in fat tissue. Although there are numerous reasons why
women predominantly experience estrogen dominance (use of birth control,
menopause and pregnancy), women, men, and teenagers are increasingly affected by estrogen dominance.
Different Types of Breast Cancer
- Hormone receptor (estrogen or progesterone receptor) positive – Approximately 75% of breast cancers are ER positive and grow in response to the hormone, estrogen. About 65% of these are also PR positive and grow in response to the hormone, progesterone.
- HER2 positive cancer – 20-25% of breast cancers are HER2 positive – the cancer cells make too much of a protein known as HER2/neu. These breast cancers tend to be much more aggressive and fast-growing.
- Triple negative is an extremely aggressive form of breast cancer. It is not positive to receptors for estrogen, progesterone, or HER2. Approximately 10-12% are known as “triple negative” because they lack estrogen and progesterone receptors and do not overexpress the HER2 protein.
I recall this comment from one of my mentors, Dr. Harry Eidenier, Jr., Ph.D., “We are swimming in a sea of environmental xenoestrogens.”
are environmental, man-made chemicals that have a chemical structure
similar to estrogen that accumulate in fatty human tissue. The longer
these foreign substances stay in your body the more opportunity they
have to do damage.
Estrogen in general tends to promote cell division, particularly in hormone-sensitive tissue (breast and uterine lining). Excess estrogens in your body increase aromatase (an
enzyme found in estrogen producing cells in the adrenal glands,
ovaries, placenta, testicles, adipose or fat tissue and the brain) and estrogen dominant health issues.
Sources of Xenoestrogens:
Artificial scents/air fresheners | Food Additives/Preservatives |
Household cleaners/detergents | Car exhaust & Indoor toxins |
Non-organic foods (particularly animal fats from dairy and meat) | Personal care products (shampoos, lotions, perfumes, make up, cosmetics, deodorants) |
Oral contraceptives and Rx drugs | Pains, lacquers and solvents |
Pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers | Styrofoam products |
Plant estrogens (processed soy) | Plastics, canned foods, plastic food wrap |
Aromatization and Increased Estrogen – Symptoms and Causes
- Age increases aromatase activity
- Carbohydrate intolerance and insulin resistance
- Consuming a diet of processed soy, dairy, corn and non-organic foods loaded with xenoestrogens, pesticides, antibiotics, etc.
- Early menstruation cycles for young girls; Endometriosis; Fibroids, Hormone dominant cancers (breast, prostate)
- Heavy metal toxicity (arsenic, barium, cadmium, lead, cobalt, aluminum and mercury).
- Prescription drug side effects – especially diuretics, anti-depressants, steroid and liver activity drugs
- Excess alcohol consumption and marijuana increase blood sugar, triglycerides and estrogens
- Excess inflammation; poor methylators; poor detoxification pathways
- Infertility and/or miscarriage
- Liver congestion caused by the foods we eat, the air we breathe and the beverages we drink. Excess estrogen is generally removed by the liver. According to Harvard physician, John R. Lee., M.D., “anything that impairs liver function or ties up the detoxifying function will result in excess estrogen levels.”
- Low protein intake and excessive carbohydrate intake
- Man Boobs aka Moobs – Excess fat and breast growth in men is a definitive indication of high estrogen in relation to their testosterone. This is often combined with insulin resistance.
- Estrogen dominance in men contributes to hair loss, atherosclerosis, moobs, prostate problems, reduced sperm counts, lowered libido and impotency.
- Obesity – High estrogen is present in most obese people of all ages. Obesity in males = 25% body fat or greater. Obesity in females = 30% body fat of greater
- Plastics, PCBs, pesticides, soaps, emulsifiers, skin care products, lotions, cosmetics and household cleaning products containing xenoestrogens, pesticides and other chemicals.
- Parabens. New research has detected the presence of parabens in 99% percent of breast cancer tissues sampled. Parabens affect your body much like the estrogens, which can lead to decreased muscle mass, extra body fat, and man boobs.
- Higher caliper skinfolds at the quadricep and hamstring which indicate long term exposure to estrogens
- Stress – if cortisol demand is too high, pregnenolone will be shunted to produce cortisol at the expense of other hormones. Overtraining
- Zinc deficiency. Low levels of zinc have been linked to enlarged prostates and less than desirable levels of testosterone.
Reduce Risk of Estrogen Dominant Cancers & Decrease Estrogen Dominance:

Thumbs UP
- Alkalize your blood by eating approximately 80% of your diet from alkaline foods. Cancer thrives in an acidic environment. Increase intake of immune-boosting foods.
- Consume organic foods versus conventional due to their abundance of synthetic hormones, pesticides, antibiotics, etc.
- Eat more broccoli, watercress, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. A study at the University of Michigan found that sulforaphane, an active compound found in broccoli sprouts, eliminated breast cancer stem cells.
- Increase fiber (best through increase vegetables and leafy greens) – helps reduce the amount of circulating estrogen in your body.
- Drink only purified water and more green tea (at least 3 cups daily). The EGCG in green tea helps suppress the gene that triggers the breast cancer.
- Keep insulin levels low and increase insulin-sensitivity.
- Bring on the Mushrooms – A study published in the International Journal of Cancer discovered that those who ate 10g of button mushrooms/day were 64% less likely to develop breast cancer.
- A Northwestern University study, published in the journal Annals of Oncology, found that oleic acid found in avocados, oils such as almond, pecan, macadamia, cashew and extra virgin olive oil (10 tsp/day) inhibit activity levels of the Her-2/neu gene. .
- Periodic detoxing. My recommendation is the 10 Day Detox Program.
- Read the entire list of ingredients on all products. You’ll be surprised at the number of chemicals, colorings and artificial ingredients.
- Foods rich in zinc – wild shellfish, organic whole eggs, grass-fed red meat, pumpkin seeds
- Phytosterols found in walnuts bind to estrogen receptors, and phytoestrogens found in red clover, leafy greens, flax and sesame seeds may prevent or slow the growth of breast cancer tumors fueled by estrogen.
Thumbs Down
- Excessive alcohol consumption; Processed soy products Artificial sweeteners, processed salt, food additives, preservatives
- Caffeinated products in excess (coffee, tea, chocolate)
- Deli/luncheon meats, and anything else that contains sodium nitrates
- Foods rich in copper (i.e. soy milk, tofu, soy-based protein powders, tempeh, certain nuts and grains)
- Non-organic meats and dairy products
- Overcooked foods
- Refined, trans fats, sugars, processed carbohydrates, corn, HFCS and hydrogenated vegetable oils = increase blood glucose and insulin = visceral fat = increased estrogen.
- Sugar is a food source for cancer. A study in the Journal Cancer Epidemiology, Mile Markers, and Prevention found that refined carbs (white flour, sugar, corn and HFCS) are linked to cancer. The study of more than 1,800 women in Mexico found that those who got 57% or more of their total energy intake from refined carbohydrates had a 220% higher risk of breast cancer than women who ate more balanced diets.
- Storing your food and beverages in plastic containers; the estrogen-like compounds in the plastic can make their way into the foods and liquids. Instead use Pyrex glass containers.
Thumbs UP
- Breastfeeding versus formula feeding. According to a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine, “women who breast-fed had a 59% lower risk of premenopausal breast cancer.”
- Reduce your body fat
- Determine your lab values and hormone levels. Blood Chemistry Analysis
- Suggested urine test: 2/16 OH estrogen (this inexpensive test measures estrogen metabolites. A low 2/16 indicates a high risk of estrogen sensitive cancers
- Test iron and ferritin levels – elevated iron is toxic as we age, a potent oxidant, increasing free radicals and increased risk of cancer.
- Go braless occasionally. Bras restrict the flow of lymph. Monthly breast self-exams and breast massage
- Improve your mood naturally. Get off antidepressants, which raise aromatase.
- Campaign against pesticide use in schools and workplaces. Children are especially susceptible to the effects of xenoestrogens.
- Spend time in a sauna at least once a week
- Work a first shift
- Test and rule out heavy metal body burdens and address Candida overgrowth
- Use natural pest control in your home and garden
Thermography uses an infrared camera, and is risk-free (no radiation) and painless. Thermograms can detect the possibility of breast cancer earlier, whereas mammograms cannot detect a tumor until it’s been growing for years.
- Use only naturally-based lotions, cosmetics, perfumes, etc. Whatever you spread on your skin can be absorbed into your body, with the possibility of causing serious damage. Become an avid label reader.
- Be aware of noxious gases from copiers and printers, carpets, etc. Computer monitors can emit high levels of electromagnetic force (EMF).
Avoid exposure to:
- Smoking and smoky environments
- Fabric softeners – they put petrochemicals directly on your skin
- Synthetic flea shampoos, flea collars and flea pesticides for your pets and homes
- Chemical exposure and carcinogenic toxins. There are at least 200 known chemicals that studies have shown are linked to breast cancer.
- Nail polish (and removers), creams, lotions and cosmetics that have toxic chemicals and estrogenic ingredients such as parabens. Cheap brands usually have more toxic ingredients.
- Estrogen precursors such as plastic bottles. Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a widely used industrial chemical that has been directly “linked” to reproductive abnormalities and an increased risk of breast and prostate cancers, diabetes and heart disease.
- Pesticide exposure – The molecular structure of some pesticides closely resembles that of estrogen. This means they may attach to receptor sites in your body. It’s a known fact that those with elevated levels of pesticides in their breast tissue have a greater breast cancer risk.
cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Movement and deep
breathing provide oxygen down to the cellular level. Exercise,
specifically strength training, balances your insulin levels, and
controlling insulin levels is one of the most powerful ways to reduce
your cancer risks
Thumbs UP
- Bouncing on a rebounder for two minutes every hour is good therapy for preventing or treating cancer. One hour after rebounding, white blood cell counts normalize.
- Lift weights 3-4x per week. Higher levels of strength and muscle are associated with a decreased risk of cancer.
Thumbs UP
Omega-3 fish oils
Be sure to supplement with a quality brand that is free of toxic heavy
metals, PCBs and other chemicals. Research published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention
showed that postmenopausal women who take fish oil supplements may
lower their risk of the most common type of breast cancer (invasive
ductal breast cancer) by 32%.
Vitamin D
prevents and reduces 78% of all cancers. Vitamin D suppresses growth of
breast cancer by blocking and enhancing signals that inhibit cancer
cell growth and by altering gene regulators of the cell cycle. A
University of Birmingham study also found that vitamin D3 encourages
healthy breast cell growth while making cells more resistant to toxins.
Zinc is a precursor to the hormone, progesterone, which counters estrogen. When you’re deficient in zinc, you can’t make hormones.
Thumbs DOWN
- Prescription drugs and poor quality supplements. Get in the habit of reading the list of ingredients on your supplement labels. Avoid supplements that contain SOY oil, corn, fillers, binders, etc.
- If you’re using birth control pills or synthetic estrogens such as Premarin, educate yourself on what these drugs do to your body, particularly your hormonal system, your gut and your immune system. Provera has been linked to blood clots, fluid retention, acne, rashes, weight gain, depression, certain cancers and other disorders.
- Anti-estrogen drugs such as Tamoxifen, a selective estrogen receptive modulator comes with a laundry list of side effects including blood clots, strokes, dizziness, hot flashes, sexual problems, stroke, cataracts, leg swelling, mood swings and vision problems according to The National Cancer Institute. Tamoxifen has also been linked to endometrial and uterine cancer. Research shows tamoxifen increases the risk of developing a second and far more dangerous type of breast cancer by a stunning 440% published in the journal, Cancer Research.
Estrogen dominance is complex health condition. There are countless factors that contribute to cancer (Alternative Medicine). Maintaining a strong immune system through diet, smart exercise, stress management,
lifestyle modifications and nutritional support are preventative
measures we have control over to decrease risk of health related
diseases and conditions.
Contact me for your personalized estrogen detox plan. My Ultimate Personal Plan
is a personalized lifestyle plan designed specifically for you that
promotes natural hormone balancing with healthy and delicious menu
options for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, a custom nutrition
protocol, exercise suggestions, lifestyle recommendations, a shopping
list, tasty recipes, and optional ongoing support.
My Blood Chemistry Analysis
is based on functional medicine with an integrative approach to
objectively determine your chemistry for optimal health and wellness. Be Smart – Prevent and rule out future disease and identify nutritional deficiencies thereby creating homeostasis and balance.
developed by world renowned strength coach, Charles Poliquin, is a
12-site body fat composition testing protocol which reveals that where
you store fat is a direct reflection of your hormonal situation. Contact me for your personalized BioSignature measurements.
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Copyright © Paula Owens CONTACT PAULA ON HER BLOG
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