Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Top Ten Medical Reasons to Exercise According to Doctors

We all know that exercise is good for us, but why, exactly is exercise so important? Here are the Top 10 reasons to exercise  according to some of the top doctors in the US.
  1. Exercise helps keep your arteries flexible and malleable. Healthy arteries prevents heart disease and heart attacks.
  2. Exercise helps keep your blood sugar in control. If you have metabolic syndrome, losing as little as 6.5 percent of your body weight results in substantial reductions in blood pressure, glucose, triglycerides and total cholesterol, all factors that lead to heart disease.
  3. Exercise prevents the growth of fat that surrounds the midsection, which actively contributes to diabetes, vision loss, and limb amputations. and resulting
  4. Fat around the midsection is also associated with inflammation that leads to damaged blood vessels, heart disease, liver disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
  5. Exercise reduces stress and lifts your mood by increasing serotonin levels in your brain.
  6. Strength training improves balance, bone density, bone strength and prevents osteoporosis.
  7. Exercise can be a social activity, which is associated with higher incidence of general happiness.
  8. Strength training and stretching helps prevent injuries caused by everyday activities like lifting things.
  9. Exercise can enhance hand-eye coordination and improves your reflexes.
  10. Exercise tones your muscles, increases your metabolism, burns calories, and can make you leaner.  
Source: Methodist Hospital.


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