Let us discuss some of the super foods that fight cancer as the
studies have proved its efficacy to curb cancer and provide other health
benefits. Dairy products are goods source of Vitamin
D, which inhibits cell division and growth and helps to protect cell
changes that leads to cancer. The richest source of Vitamin D is found
in low fat dairy products like skimmed milk, cottage cheese, yoghurt,
and oily fish, eggs, and Vitamin D is synthesized by the body itself
when we are exposed to sunshine for at least 20 minutes per day. As per
the results published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vitamin
D present in the above cited food products effectively combat cancer
and prevent the same. To prevent cancer, take one glass of milk per day
and eat 3 to 4 eggs per week, is advised to get this health benefit as
per nutritionists.
Due to the presence of rich content of dietary fiber, whole grains
considerably reduce the risk of contracting cancer. Women, who take at
least 25 grams of dietary fiber foods in the diet, are less likely to
develop cancer and their risk of developing the disease is reduced to
nearly 40%. So it is advised to take wholegrain cereal foods such as
brown rice, whole meal pasta and porridge in the diet, to prevent
cancer. Beans and pulses such as lentils and chick
peas, and kidney beans are fully loaded with cancer protective dietary
fiber, lignans, polyphenols, which inhibit the growth of cancerous
tissue thereby help to protect from cancer disorder, as per the research
Omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish such as tuna, salmon and Omega 9 fatty acids found in olive oil
are ‘oestrogenunfriendly’ as it is called and considered as good fats,
check the multiplication of carcinogenic cells and curb the cancer
disorder and heart healthy, it prevents cardiovascular disorders as
well. The rich content of antioxidants are found in brightly colored fruits and vegetables,
and these antioxidants are found to eliminate free oxygen radicals that
boost unnecessary multiplication of cells that cause cancer. People who
take at least 10 servings of fruits and vegetables in the diet are less
prone to cancer according to Nutritionists.
To conclude, just include the above cited super foods that fight
cancer in the regular diet as per the advice of Nutritionists or Health
Care Professionals, to prevent cancer and other health disorders.
However it is necessary to consult the Doctors or Nutritionists in case
of any health disorder including cancer disorder, for medical advice,
diagnosis, and treatment of the same. It may be noted that the above
cited information is only for informative purpose and as such this
article should not be treated as an alternative for clinical diagnosis,
medical advice and treatment of health disorders.
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