Weight-loss gurus on television advise “exercise more” and “eat
less,” as though these statements should have been included in the
original 10 Commandments. There is a principle in logic called ‘Ockham’s
Razor,’ which tells us that the simplest solution is usually the
correct one. Well, what could be simpler than exercise more, eat less?
Unfortunately, even Ockham’s Razor is not that simple. Friar William of
Ockham stated that when making a choice, any assumptions that do not make a difference should be excluded; however, it is vital to include assumptions that are relevant.
Step away from the high-tech world of liposuction, gastric bypass,
appetite suppressants, thermogenic and lipolytic drugs; the human body
adapts to its environment. At the most basic level, that includes the
amount of food available, the amount of activity needed to acquire that
food, and the amount of rest one can obtain before needing to forage
Sleep is an under-appreciated need in American society. In fact,
society often rewards individuals who forego sleep in order to work
longer hours, party harder, watch adult entertainment and enjoy the
‘night life.’ People go to great lengths to eradicate the need for
sleep. It is not just post-adolescent ravers taking methamphetamines and
ecstasy to prolong nights of hedonism; the ranks of the sleep-deprived
are filled with students and professors using Adderall® to allow for academic all-nighters; physicians and nurses using Provigil®
to stay sharp during careers of extended hours; policemen and power
plant workers walk the health store aisles looking for energy
supplements that will get them through rotating shifts; children guzzle
Red Bull® to pwn [sic] friends and strangers through early morning online gaming; and mothers brew coffee every morning to meet the demands of family.1-5
Prior to the information age, most jobs were labor or service
related; social norms were more conservative and people were praised for
being practical, not outrageous or risk-taking. One popular axiom was
“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”
These observations would suggest that previous generations may have
actually hibernated. In fact, sleep patterns were not overly different
from today, on a day-to-day basis. Of course, leisure time has been
extended and the introduction of electric lighting and varied forms of
entertainment remove many of the cues that would normally send one to
sleep. Most conventioneers can attest to the temporal (time) confusion
experienced inside the casinos of Las Vegas where fluorescent lights and
the absence of clocks mask the passage of time.
Nonetheless, there has been an overall trend toward sleep deficit. In
comparison to several decades ago, Americans are sleeping, on average,
90 minutes less per night.6 An hour or two makes little
difference in the short-term, but over time, a chronic sleep deficit
dramatically affects one’s health. A number of studies have shown that
sleep deprivation results in reduced cognitive function (thinking),
hormonal changes, negative changes in blood pressure, worsened insulin
sensitivity, etc.7-9
In fact, during the recent daylight savings time-related time change,
news channels reported the findings of a 2008 Swedish study published
in the New England Journal of Medicine, showing that the risk of a
heart attack increases 5 percent during the three days immediately
following the ‘spring forward’ change that results in the loss of an
hour’s sleep for most. Conversely, there was a smaller reduction in risk
during the three days following the ‘fall back’ that gifts an extra
hour of sleep. The authors posited that the increase in heart attacks
following the loss of an hour of sleep was due to an increase in
sympathetic tone (adrenalin) and a pro-inflammatory state.10 These factors are already elevated in the obese, making the time change very risky in this group.11 Perhaps it is time for the FDA to review daylight savings time.
Sleep Deprivation and Obesity
Sleep deprivation does not just increase risks associated with
obesity, but it also increases the risk of obesity. Several studies have
associated sleep deprivation with obesity, as well as the Metabolic
Syndrome, which includes negative changes to cardiovascular health and
insulin sensitivity, and changes in hormones that promote fat storage.12
Even as this article is being written, new studies are linking sleep
deprivation with poor health. Research is being presented at the
American Heart Association, reporting an increase in the risk of
developing type II diabetes in people who sleep less than 6 hours per
night, compared to those who sleep 6 to 8 hours.13
Is there more to the inverse association between sleep loss and
weight loss than metabolic and hormonal changes? Could the increased
number of waking hours somehow relate to foraging behavior as well?
After all, except for the rare case of somnambulist bingers (those who
sleepwalk to the refrigerator to eat), people don’t break their diet
while they are asleep.14
Researchers investigated the effect of shorter daily sleep with food
intake, confirming what many suspected— people who stay awake longer
tend to be sedentary during those additional waking hours and increase
their food intake by snacking. Look at the question from a personal
perspective— late-night study sessions require pizza and Mountain Dew®;
Left 4 Dead gamers down energy drinks and chips while waiting to be
re-spawn; dates and parties take place over dinner, drinks and hors
d’oeuvres; movie marathons require popcorn and Good & Plenty candy.
Anecdotal rumors of culture-wide, dark-dependent gluttony do not
constitute scientific evidence; thus, Dr. Nedeltcheva and colleagues at
the University of Chicago recruited 11 non-obese subjects who agreed to
be followed in a controlled environment for 14 days on two separate
occasions, in a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.15
These five women and six men were healthy, normal individuals who were
not actively trying to lose weight and did not exercise. During the
study periods, they were allowed to follow a normal routine, including
normal leisure activities such as watching television, reading, using
the Internet, etc; access to food was unlimited. They were not allowed
to leave the observation area for more than 30 minutes a day. Prior to
each two-week ‘vacation,’ scientists measured 24-hour energy
expenditure, total calories consumed (divided into meals and snacks),
and the appetite-regulating hormones leptin and ghrelin.
The study periods differed only in the number of hours of sleep
allowed to the subjects; no naps were allowed at any time. During one
session, subjects slept 8½ hours daily for the 14 days; during the
second, they only slept 5½ hours per day. Surprisingly, there was not
much difference in the total energy expenditure when these subjects were
awake 3 hours more. Considering that the activity options were limited
to normal, couch-potato activities, this shows that there is not a lot
of difference metabolically between sitting on the couch versus
sleeping. The appetite-regulating hormones, leptin and ghrelin, were
similar between the groups as well. Of course, there was no
calorie-restriction, so the subjects never experienced periods of hunger
or starvation during this time.
The subjects were not provided with diet guidelines; they ate what
they wanted and were provided with snacks of their choice throughout the
study. As might be expected, with no restrictions and little to focus
on, the subjects ate plenty. On average, the amount consumed during the
three meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) was similar during the two
study periods. The macronutrient profile of the meals was typical
American fare, with an approximate 52:34:14 ratio of
carbohydrate:protein:fat by calories. The primary difference seen
between the sleep-deprived state and sleep-aplenty state was in calories
consumed as snacks. When restricted to 5½ hours of sleep daily,
subjects consumed significantly more calories during snack time and
tended to increase carbohydrate content of these snacks. Most
importantly, the biggest difference was seen in snacking occurred
between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m.15 It is believed that access to and temptation of snacks is a deciding factor in dieting success.
All subjects consumed in excess of the number of calories expended,
eating more than 1,000 calories in excess every day when rested (1,012
calories during the 8½ sleep daily period). When sleep was restricted to
5½ hours for 14 days, 1,173 calories were consumed in excess. Those
numbers (calories in excess) were calculated by measuring the food
intake and subtracting the measured daily energy expenditure, so the
number is as accurate as possible. Thus, when 2-3 hours of sleep deficit
occurred, subjects consumed more food that resulted in an additional
161 calories per day; 161 calories above a baseline that was already
over 1,000 calories in excess.
Lost Sleep is Lost Muscle
The question that logically follows is: did the additional calorie
burden result in weight gain, or more importantly, fat gain? The
subjects underwent both regular weigh-ins and DXA scans to measure body
composition. Not surprisingly, subjects gained a similar amount of
weight during both periods, approximately 2 kg; this follows the study
design of sedentary conditions supplemented with freely available food.
Though the results were not significant, there was a noticeable trend
in the character of that weight gained. During the 8½ hour sleep
period, subjects gained (on average) 2.1 kg with 1.5 kg being fat— 71
percent. When restricted to 5½ hours of sleep, 1.9 kg weight gain was
recorded, with 1.7 kg arising from fat gain— almost 90 percent. The
authors did not comment on this observation, but it appears to suggest
that the ‘stress’ of losing sleep is catabolic to lean mass (muscle).
Given that the subjects consumed a similar amount of protein, the
sleep-deprived conditions included a greater amount of calories, and the
consumption of more carbohydrates would maintain a higher insulin
concentration, one would expect that muscle would be better preserved
and the sleep-deprived conditions would lead to equivalent changes in
body composition, if not a preference to lean mass gains. Instead, the
opposite was seen. Another explanation may be that adequate sleep
promotes anabolic processes, allowing muscle to be maintained or
increased when adequate rest is obtained.
It is likely no coincidence that as sleep hours have decreased
society-wide, Americans have become fat and are developing metabolic
conditions that are threatening the stability of the national health
system. An impressive body of evidence is being reported, associating
the loss of sleep with a number of health risks. Yet, people still burn
the midnight oil, determined to squeeze the last bit of productivity or
enjoyment out of each day if it kills them. Guess what? It might.16
Don’t sleep in though— too much sleep can be just as bad for you. For
all the people who are attempting to lose weight to attract Mr. Right or
Ms. Sweetheart, those late nights are taking a toll, not just on one’s
health and lifespan, but also on the ability to be a hard body. Grabbing
a good night’s sleep regularly is vital to promoting optimal weight
management. Perhaps more relevant to the man or woman working to improve
his/her physique is the negative impact those extra hours have on fat
gain. Slip between the sheets for your daily eight and if conditions
require you to stay awake longer, put away the snacks.
1. DeSantis AD, Webb EM, et al. Illicit use of
prescription ADHD medications on a college campus: a multimethodological
approach. J Am Coll Health, 2008 Nov-Dec;57(3):315-24.
2. Kumar R. Approved and investigational uses of modafinil : an evidence-based review. Drugs, 2008;68(13):1803-39.
3. Jay SM, Petrilli RM, et al. The suitability of a caffeinated energy drink for night-shift workers. Physiol Behav, 2006 May 30;87(5):925-31.
4. Dworak M, Schierl T, et al. Impact of singular
excessive computer game and television exposure on sleep patterns and
memory performance of school-aged children. Pediatrics, 2007 Nov;120(5):978-85.
5. Hunter LP, Rychnovsky JD, et al. A selective review of maternal sleep characteristics in the postpartum period. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 2009 Jan-Feb;38(1):60-8.
6. Spiegel K, Leproult R, et al. Impact of sleep debt on metabolic and endocrine function. Lancet, 1999;354:1435-9.
7. Kahol K, Leyba MJ, et al. Effect of fatigue on psychomotor and cognitive skills. Am J Surg, 2008 Feb;195(2):195-204.
8. Samuels C. Sleep, recovery, and performance: the new frontier in high-performance athletics. Neurol Clin, 2008 Feb;26(1):169-80; ix-x.
9. Mullington JM, Haack M, et al. Cardiovascular, inflammatory, and metabolic consequences of sleep deprivation. Prog Cardiovasc Dis, 2009 Jan-Feb;51(4):294-302.
10. Janszky I, Ljung R. Shifts to and from Daylight Saving Time and Incidence of Myocardial Infarction. N Engl J Med, 2008;359(18):1966-68.
11. Good D, Morse SA, et al. Obesity, hypertension, and the heart. J Cardiometab Syndr, 2008 Summer;3(3):168-72.
12. Miller MA, Cappuccio FP. Inflammation, sleep, obesity and cardiovascular disease. Curr Vasc Pharmacol, 2007 Apr;5(2):93-102.
13. Wilbert C. Sleep Deprivation Linked to Prediabetes. WebMD 2009 March 12.
14. Schenck CH, Mahowald MW. Review of nocturnal sleep-related eating disorders. Int J Eat Disord, 1994 May;15(4):343-56.
15. Nedeltcheva AV, Kilkus JM, et al. Sleep curtailment is accompanied by increased intake of calories from snacks. Am J Clin Nutr, 2009 Jan;89(1):126-33.
16. Ferrie JE, Shipley MJ, et al. A prospective study of
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