More good research to educate yourself on why living a healthy lifestyle is the way to go.
Low Carbohydrate Diets Linked to Long-Term Psychological Problems
Losing weight is psychological torture for most people.
The long-term success of weight loss diets depends on the psychological
capacity to eat less food. Australian researchers found that people
following low-fat diets (LF; 46 percent carbohydrate, 24 percent
protein, and 30 percent fat) were psychologically healthier after 12
months than those following low-carbohydrate diets (LC; 35 percent
protein, 61 percent fat, 4 percent carbohydrate). Both groups ate
reduced-calorie diets (1,433 calories per day for women and 1,672
calories per day for men) and lost similar amounts of weight (30
At 12 months, the low-carb group scored higher in
measures of depression, anxiety, anger-hostility, tension, and
dejection. The LF group showed less fatigue and better all-around mood.
Reduced-calorie diets that are either low or high in carbohydrates
produce similar weight loss after a year, but long-term adherence to a
low-carbohydrate diet produces more psychological side effects. (Archives Internal Medicine, 169: 1873-1880, 2009)
Are Your Genes Keeping You From Getting Into Your Jeans?
Genes play an important role in regulating bodyweight,
appetite, and metabolic rate. It seems as though some people can eat
whatever they want and not get fat, while others have trouble losing
weight even when they eat normally.
Delores Corella from Tufts University in Boston and
co-researchers found that people with a variant (polymorphism) of the
APOA2 gene (CC genotype) showed a disproportionate gain in body mass
index (proportion of weight to height) when they ate more saturated fat
in their diets. However, they only became obese when they ate excessive
amounts of saturated fat. Saturated fat intake was less significant in
boosting body mass index in people with other variants of the gene
(i.e., TT and TC genotypes).
The study showed that genes make some people more prone
to obesity than others, but that behavioral factors, such as reducing
fat intake, could compensate for “fat genes.” (Archives Internal Medicine, 169: 1897-1906, 2009)
Regular Exercise Causes Weight Loss Without Dieting
The role of exercise in weight control is controversial.
Most studies show that a combination of caloric restriction and exercise
are best for weight loss and weight maintenance. However, other studies
showed that some people could lose a substantial amount of body fat
through exercise alone.
Buck Willis from Landmark Medical in Austin, Texas and
colleagues found that people who exercised at a moderate intensity for
30 minutes, four or more days a week for eight weeks lost 13 pounds of
fat in eight weeks. Fat loss was insignificant in those who exercised
three days per week or less. The subjects were instructed to consume
their normal diet. The exercise program followed the 1996
recommendations of the U.S. Surgeon General and are consistent with the
more recent recommendations of the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services. This was only an eight-week study, so the results might not
apply to long-term weight control. (Journal Strength and Conditioning Research, 23: 2377-2380, 2009)
Is Diet or Exercise Best For Weight Loss?
If present trends continue, 43 percent of Americans will
be obese in just eight years. Obesity is contributing to the public
health nightmare in the United States. In spite of spending more money
per capita on medical care than any other country, we rank 31st in the world in life expectancy and 19th
in deaths from preventable conditions such as obesity. Experts have
argued vigorously about the causes of the obesity epidemic. Some say
that physical inactivity is the culprit, while others claim that
increased caloric intake is the cause.
Critics of the physical inactivity hypothesis claim that
the caloric expenditure from exercise is not significant enough to
trigger widespread obesity. An editorial by James Hill in the journal Obesity and Weight Management
stated that both caloric restriction and exercise are necessary for
weight control, and that concentrating on only one factor is dumb. (Obesity Weight Management, 5: 195-196, 2009)
Liraglutide Reduces Body Fat Better Than Orlistat
Orlistat is a prescription weight-loss drug approved by
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It works by decreasing fat
absorption during digestion. It is sold by prescription as Xenical or
over-the-counter as Alli. Liraglutide improves blood sugar control and
promotes weight loss.
A Danish study found that Liraglutide caused greater
weight loss, decreased blood pressure, and improved blood sugar control
better than orlistat or a placebo (fake drugs). Subjects were asked to
decrease food intake by 500 calories per day and increase daily physical
activity during the 20-week study. Some subjects in the Liraglutide
group experienced nausea and vomiting, but the side effects were
temporary and did not cause people to drop out of the study.
Liraglutide is an effective drug for promoting weight
control and metabolic health. It is currently approved in Europe but not
in the U.S. (Lancet, in press; published online October 2009)
Inadequate Sleep Linked to Obesity and Physical Inactivity
The recession has led to increased stress, overwork, and
reduced sleep. In addition to triggering fatigue, inadequate sleep makes
it more difficult to exercise, which promotes obesity. A review of
literature by Sanjay Patel from the Case Western Reserve University in
Cleveland, Ohio concluded that inadequate sleep promoted obesity, even
in people without sleep apnea (obstructive breathing during sleep).
Sleep duration has decreased by 15 percent since the
1950s, and 16 percent of Americans get less than six hours of sleep per
night. Large population studies showed a clear inverse relationship
between hours of sleep and the incidence of obesity. However, in spite
of the relationship, we cannot say for sure whether inadequate sleep
causes obesity.
Donald Watenpaugh from the University of North Texas
Health Science Center in Fort Worth, Texas, said that humans evolved as
athletes who sleep 8 to 9 hours per night. Interfering with sleep
decreases exercise capacity and threatens metabolic health, which leads
to obesity. Sleep is essential to normal energy balance and weight
control. (Current Sports Medicine Reports, 8: 331-338, 2009; Obesity Reviews, 10 (supplement 2): 61-68, 2009)
Eating Quickly Stimulates Overeating
Your mother told you to chew your food slowly and enjoy
your meal. Many overstressed people often try to eat their food as
quickly as possible. They should have listened to their mothers. Greek
researchers found that eating a meal quickly decreases hormones in the
gut that signal the feeling of fullness to the brain. This can cause
During the study, the subjects ate a large bowl of ice
cream at different rates and measured the hormones PYY and GLP-1, which
help signal the feeling of fullness to the satiety center in the brain.
People had higher levels of the hormones and felt more full when they
ate the ice cream slowly. Eating meals more slowly may be a simple way
to cut down on food intake and decrease body fat. (Journal Clinical Endocrinology Metabolism, in press; published online November 4, 2009)
Two-a-Day Workouts Increase Fat Use
Exercising below 65 percent of maximum effort uses mainly
fat as fuel. Above this intensity, carbohydrates become increasingly
important, and they're used almost exclusively for fuel at extreme
exercise intensities.
Swiss researchers found that fat use during exercise is
influenced by prior physical activity. Moderately-trained subjects took
two maximal treadmill tests: one to determine maximal oxygen uptake and
estimate fat use and a second to determine the effects of prior exercise
on fat use. During the second test, subjects exercised on a treadmill
for one hour at 57 percent of maximum effort. After a short break, they
took the second treadmill test to exhaustion. Fat use was higher when
the subjects took the test after the initial one-hour run. Two-a-day
workouts will trigger more fat-burning during the second workout. (Metabolism Clinical and Experimental, 58: 1778-1786, 2009)
By Steve Blechman and Tom Fahey, Ed.D.
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